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Colydiidae (cylindrical bark beetles)

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The cylindrical bark beetles (Coly­diidae) are small to medium-sized beetles, which are often found under bark, in decaying wood and in the bore holes of other beetle species. Adults and larvae of many species are predators of wood-boring insects, others feed on rotten wood or on fungi. Worldwide, 1500 species have been described, in Germany 20 species have been recorded. Several of the species are considered as "urwaldrelikt species" and are threatened with extinction.

World: 1500 Europe: n.a. Germany: 20 collected: 12 Missing species Overview in inquiry module fraction: 60%
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   Hint Color of pronotum or elytra, total or partial, also metallic shine
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Catalogue status
Missing species Colydiidae (cylindrical bark beetles) – currently missing species (9)
 Aglenus brunneus
 Pycnomerus inexspectatus
 Orthocerus crassicornis
 Endophloeus markovichianus
 Coxelus pictus
 Synchita separanda
 Synchita mediolanensis
 Colydium filiforme
 Aulonium ruficorne