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Malachiidae (soft-winged flower beetles)

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The soft-winged flower beetles (Mala­chiidae) are mostly small species with a soft cuticle, with pouches which can be inflated and protrude from the sides of the thorax and abdomen. The males possess an organ (excitator) on the head or on the tip of the elytra giving off a gustatory substance, changing the initial aversion of the female to mating. The adults of most species live mainly on pollen and dead insects, though occasionally turn carnivorous and prey and aphids. The larvae develop in wood and are predacious. Worldwide 3000 species have been described, in Germany 34 species are known to occur.

World: 3000 Europe: 320 Germany: 36 collected: 22 Missing species Overview in inquiry module fraction: 61%
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   Hint Color of pronotum or elytra, total or partial, also metallic shine
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Catalogue status
Missing species Malachiidae (soft-winged flower beetles) – currently missing species (14)
 Troglops cephalotes
 Charopus concolor
 Malachius scutellaris
 Malachius aeneus
 Clanoptilus marginellus
 Clanoptilus spinipennis
 Clanoptilus emarginatus
 Paratinus femoralis
 Attalus alpinus
 Ebaeus battonii
 Ebaeus ater
 Ebaeus appendiculatus
 Ebaeus flavicornis
 Nepachys cardiacae