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Pyrochroidae (fire-colored beetles)

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The fire-colored beetles (Pyro­chroidae) are a small family of small to medium sized beetles with 150 species worldwide, thereof three species have been recorded from Germany. The beetles are found in deciduous forests on flowers and decaying wood. The adult beetles feed on sweet juices, e.g. honeydew excreted by aphids or tree sap. The larvae are of flattened body shape and dwell under bark, where they prey on other insects and their larvae. A number of species is canthariphilous, they actively seek blister beetles and lick the secreted Cantharidine.

World: 150 Europe: 8 Germany: 3 collected: 3 Missing species Overview in inquiry module fraction: 100%
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   Hint Color of pronotum or elytra, total or partial, also metallic shine
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Missing species Pyrochroidae (fire-colored beetles) – currently missing species (0)