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Hydraenidae (minute moss beetles)

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The minute moss beetles (Hydrae­nidae) are small species with various body shapes, living in different types of waters. Formerly they had been classified with the water scavenger beetles (Hydrophilidae). Despite their aquatic lifestyle they are not able to swim. Worldwide about 1500 species have been described, in Germany 52 species are known to occur. They are highly specific in their habitat requirements: The species of the genus Hydraena and Ochthebius are usually found in flowing waters (also in coastal regions), whereas the genus Limnebius prefers stagnant water or quiet streams (e.g. walls of wells covered with moss). The species are phytophagous, both larvae and adult beetles of the terrestrial species feed on plant detritus, whereas the aquatic species feed on unicellular algae.

World: 1500 Europe: 500 Germany: 54 collected: 5 Missing species Overview in inquiry module fraction: 9%
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   Hint Color of pronotum or elytra, total or partial, also metallic shine
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Catalogue status
Missing species Hydraenidae (minute moss beetles) – currently missing species (49)
 Hydraena palustris
 Hydraena britteni
 Hydraena assimilis
 Hydraena reyi
 Hydraena egoni
 Hydraena melas
 Hydraena nigrita
 Hydraena subimpressa
 Hydraena angulosa
 Hydraena rufipes
 Hydraena intermedia
 Hydraena pygmaea
 Hydraena schuleri
 Hydraena pulchella
 Hydraena lapidicola
 Hydraena gracilis
 Hydraena excisa
 Hydraena belgica
 Hydraena emarginata
 Hydraena saga
 Hydraena truncata
 Hydraena polita
 Hydraena dentipes
 Hydraena minutissima
 Ochthebius granulatus
 Ochthebius exsculptus
 Ochthebius melanescens
 Ochthebius colveranus
 Ochthebius gibbosus
 Ochthebius dilatatus
 Ochthebius auriculatus
 Ochthebius bicolon
 Ochthebius perkinsi
 Ochthebius crenulatus
 Ochthebius flavipes
 Ochthebius nanus
 Ochthebius metallescens
 Ochthebius foveolatus
 Ochthebius nobilis
 Ochthebius narentinus
 Ochthebius pusillus
 Ochthebius marinus
 Ochthebius viridis
 Limnebius papposus
 Limnebius parvulus
 Limnebius crinifer
 Limnebius furcatus
 Limnebius nitidus
 Limnebius aluta