Notable beetle records from Germany

Records, photos and text by C. Benisch, 2008–2016

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9 Years
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14.08.2016 (published on 14.08.2016)
Observation of Stenoria analis near Sandhausen (North Baden)
Stenoria analis
44 Like
On August 14th, 2016, two specimens of the blister beetle Stenoria analis were observed near Sandhausen. The species is known to occur from the Iberian Peninsula over Central Europe to Asia Minor and South Russia. In Germany it has been recorded from Brandenburg, and new records have been published since 2013 from Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate. The stenotopic, xerophilous species develops as a parasite of the ivy bee Colletes hederae and is currently extending its range towards the north together with its host. In sunny weather they fly swiftly and resemble hymenopterans in flight.

03.07.2016 (published on 04.07.2016)
Observation of Agrilus guerini near Monsheim (Southern Wonnegau)
Agrilus guerini
33 Like
On July 3rd, 2016, a single specimen of the jewel beetle Agrilus guerini was observed on the foliage of a common aspen near Monsheim. The thermophilous sp. is known to occur from the Black Sea to Eastern France. It develops in various willow species. Formerly regarded as a very rare Tertiary relic species, meanwhile through targeted search of its feeding marks it could be established, that its populations are widespread in South Germany, although at low populations densities. The species is regarded as vulnerable (RL 3).

03.07.2016 (published on 04.07.2016)
Record of Ophonus cordatus near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate)
Ophonus cordatus
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On July 3rd, 2016, a single specimen of the ground beetle Ophonus cordatus was discovered near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate). The stenotopic, thermophilous species is known to occur from Northwest Africa over Western Europe (without Northern England), Southern Europe to the Balkan Mountains, the Caucasus and Asia Minor and reaches Western Siberia and Central Asia in the East. In Central Europe the species is confined to warm habitats from the lowlands to the colline zone. It is regarded as endangered (RL 2).

28.06.2015 (published on 01.07.2015)
Record of Oenopia lyncea in the Lampertheim forest (South Hesse)
Oenopia lyncea
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On June 28th, 2015, a single specimen of the ladybird Oenopia lyncea was recorded in the Lampertheim forest (South Hesse). The southpalearctic species is known to occur in South Europe and southern Central Europe, North Africa and in the east in Siberia. As a thermophilous species, in does occur in Germany only in very warm regions. It preys on the aphid species Sappaphis sorbi and Eucallipterus tiliae. In Germany, Oenopia lyncea is rare and regarded as endangered (RL 2).

31.05.2015 (published on 10.06.2015)
Record of Stenocorus quercus in the Bössinger forest near Zeutern (Kraichgau)
Stenocorus quercus
19 Like
On May 31st, 2015, a single specimen of the longhorn beetle Stenocorus quercus (meanwhile transferred into genus Anisorus) was found in the Bössinger forest near Zeutern. The stenotopic species is known to occur from the southern part of Central Europe over Southeast Europe to the Caucasus. It prefers sparse oak forests with warm microclimate, e.g. on south-facing slopes. The larvae develop in strong branches of ailing oaks. In Germany, Stenocorus quercus is rarer than its sister species S. meridianus and is regarded as endangered (RL 2).

16.05.2015 (published on 18.05.2015)
Record of Megapenthes lugens in the arid floodplain of Grißheim
Megapenthes lugens
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On May 16th, 2015, one single specimen of the queen's executioner beetle Megapenthes lugens was recorded in the arid floodplain of Grißheim, where its occurrence has been known for many years. The stenotopic species is known to occur from North Africa over Europe to the Caucasus. The beetles develop in hollow trees of beech, elm and occasionally poplar, where the larvae prey on other beetle larvae, mainly Rhamnusium bicolor. In Germany the species can be found in deciduous forests and parks. It is regarded as critically endangered (RL 1).

19.07.2014 (published on 20.07.2014)
Observation of Chlorophorus varius near Schweigen-Rechtenbach (Südliche Weinstraße)
Chlorophorus varius
24 Like
On July 19th, 2014, numerous specimens of the longhorn beetle Chlorophorus varius were observed near Schweigen-Rechtenbach. The thermophilous species is known to occur from Europe (without the North) to Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Transcaucasia and North Iran. They develop 2-3 years in varius deciduous trees as well as in the stems of herbaceous plants. In Germany they are present in warm habitats only and can be found on meadows and at the edges of forests. Chlorophorus varius is regarded as critically endangered (RL 1).

21.06.2014 (published on 22.06.2014)
Observation of Cylindera germanica near Waldstetten (Swabian Jura)
Cylindera germanica
20 Like
On June 21st, 2014, numerous specimens of the tiger beetle Cylindera germanica were observed near Waldstetten (Swabian Jura). The stenotopic species is known to occur from Europe to Asia, mostly local, scattered and very rare. It prefers loamy calcareous grassland and steppe with sparse vegetation. In Germany, Cylindera germanica is critically endangered (RL 1), because suitable habitats have become increasingly rare due to intensification of agriculture and nitrogen input from the air, leading to eutrophication of calcareous grassland habitats.

18.06.2014 (published on 20.06.2014)
Record of Comasinus setiger near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate)
Comasinus setiger
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On June 18th, 2014, a single specimen of the weevil Comasinus setiger was discovered near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate) on meadow sage (Salvia pratensis). The species is known to occur from Europe to the Ukraine. It lives and various types of grassland, from warm and dry calcareous grassland to cool and wet meadows of the montane zone. The beetles dwell under the basal tufts of Asteraceae, among them hawkbits, oxtongues and others. In Germany the species is widespread, but only rarely recorded due to its hidden lifestyle.

08.06.2014 (published on 09.06.2014)
Record of Pachytychius sparsutus on the Felsenberg near Schloßböckelheim
Pachytychius sparsutus
15 Like
On June 8th, 2014, a single specimen of the weevil Pachytychius sparsutus was recorded on calcareous grassland at the Felsenberg near Schloßböckelheim (Nahe valley). The rare, xerothermophilous species is known to occur in the southern part of Central Europe and in Southern Europe. It develops in the fruit pods of various broom species. Recent records are known from the Rhineland, Hesse and Thuringia and the species is regarded as vulnerable (RL 3).

08.06.2014 (published on 09.06.2014)
Record of Smicronyx coecus on the Felsenberg near Schloßböckelheim
Smicronyx coecus
12 Like
On June 8th, 2014, numerous specimens of the weevil Smicronyx coecus were recorded together with the sister species S. jungermanniae on patches of dodder (Cuscuta) on calcareous grassland at the Felsenberg near Schloßböckelheim (Nahe valley). The stenotopic species is known to occur from Central over Southern Europe to the Caucasus. In Germany it is widespread, but only occasionally recorded and is probably under-recorded.

07.06.2014 (published on 09.06.2014)
Record of Cryptocephalus exiguus in the river meadow near Au am Rhein
Cryptocephalus exiguus
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On June 7th, 2014, a single male of the Pashford pot beetle Cryptocephalus exiguus was recorded in the river Rhine floodplain near Au am Rhein (county of Rastatt). With only 2 mm in body length it is one of the smaller representatives of the genus and is quite conspicuous with the dashed microsculpture of the pronotum. It is known to occur from Central Europe to Japan and prefers damp habitats along rivers. It develops oligophagous on grey willow and birch species.

07.06.2014 (published on 09.06.2014)
Record of Cryptocephalus nitidulus in the arid floodplain of Grißheim
Cryptocephalus nitidulus
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On June 7th, 2014, one specimen of the pot beetle Cryptocephalus nitidulus was observed in the arid floodplain of Grißheim on a young oak. The stenotopic, arboricolous species is known to occur in Northern and Central Europe und reaches Western Siberia. It prefers warm habitats, e.g. warm, sun-exposed slopes. It lives on birch and hazel. In Germany, recent records are mainly from the southern half and the beetle is regarded as vulnerable (RL 3).

07.06.2014 (published on 09.06.2014)
Record of Smicronyx reichii in the arid floodplain of Grißheim
Smicronyx reichii
9 Like
On June 7th, 2014, one specimen of the weevil Smicronyx reichii was recorded in the arid floodplain of Grißheim, where its occurrence has been known for many years. The stenotopic species ranges from Europe to West Asia. It lives in dry habitats on common centaury as well as on seasonally flooded meadows on lesser centaury. In Germany the species is scattered and rare. It is regarded as endangered (RL 2).

04.06.2014 (published on 09.06.2014)
Record of Phaedon laevigatus in Mannheim-Sandhofen
Phaedon laevigatus
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On June 4th, 2014, one specimen of the leaf beetle Phaedon laevigatus was recorded in the river Rhine floodplain near Mannheim-Sandhofen. The stenotopic species is known to occur from Central over Southeast Europe to the Caucasus and prefers river meadows as habitat. It develops oligophagous on yellowcresses (Rorippa sp.). In Germany recent records are known from Saxony, Bavaria, Württemberg, Baden and the Palatinate.

02.06.2014 (published on 09.06.2014)
Observation of Scintillatrix rutilans in Reutlingen (Württemberg)
Scintillatrix rutilans
35 Like
On June 2nd, 2014, several specimens of the jewel beetle Scintillatrix rutilans were observed in the city of Reutlingen. The beetles were swarming during the sunny noon on lime trees and cut lime tree logs at the edge of a small forest strip in a residential area. The species is known to occur from Europe to Russia. In Europe it avoids the zone of atlantic climate. The development takes place under the bark of ailing lime trees and takes 2-3 years. In Germany S. rutilans is regarded as endangered (RL 2).

01.06.2014 (published on 09.06.2014)
Record of Sepedophilus bipustulatus on the Reißinsel near Mannheim
Sepedophilus bipustulatus
20 Like
On June 1st, 2014, one specimen of the rove beetle Sepedophilus bipustulatus was discovered on the island Reißinsel near Mannheim-Neckarau in the detritus of an old willow. It can be distinguished from its similar sister species by the very short elytra. In Germany, the species is very rare and is regarded as critically endangered (RL 1). This discovery is the first for Baden since more than 60 years.

25.05.2014 (published on 09.06.2014)
Record of Clanoptilus geniculatus near Flörsheim-Dalsheim (Rhine Hesse)
Clanoptilus geniculatus
9 Like
On May 25th, 2014, one male specimen of Clanoptilus geniculatus was discovered near the railroad tracks near Flörsheim-Dalsheim (Rhine Hesse). The stenotopic, thermophilous species is known to occur from the southern part of Central Europe to Asia Minor and the Caucasus, in the East to Central Asia and Siberia. In Germany recent records are known from Baden, the Palatinate, Thuringia, Saxony, and Saxony-Anhalt. Clanoptilus geniculatus is regarded as endangered (RL 2).

18.05.2014 (published on 09.06.2014)
Record of Longitarsus quadriguttatus near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate)
Longitarsus quadriguttatus
6 Like
On May 18th, 2014, numerous specimens of the flea beetle Longitarsus quadriguttatus were discovered near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate) on their host plant houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale). The stenotopic, thermophilous species is known to occur from Central over Southeast Europe to Asia Minor and the Caucasus. It has been introduced to North America as a biological control agent against houndstongue. Longitarsus quadriguttatus is missing in Northwest Germany and is regarded as critically endangered (RL 1).

17.05.2014 (published on 02.07.2014)
Record of Harpalus marginellus on the Felsenberg near Schloßböckelheim
Harpalus marginellus
8 Like
On May 17th, 2014, a male of the ground beetle Harpalus marginellus was recorded at the Felsenberg near Schloßböckelheim (Nahe valley) (Benisch leg. et det., Forcke vid., in coll. Forcke). Harpalus marginellus is a thermophilous, euryoecious inhabitant of moderately fresh to dry sparse forests and edges of forests as well as hedgerows. It is of central european-dinaric distribution with records from Germany over Austria, Switzerland, North Italy to Croatia and Bulgaria. In Germany there are very few recent records. Data are currently deemed as deficient to properly classify the conservation status.

04.05.2014 (published on 06.05.2014)
Record of Amara sabulosa near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate)
Amara sabulosa
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On May 4th, 2014, one single specimen of the ground beetle Amara sabulosa was discovered near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate). The thermophilous species is known to occur from Eastern France over the southern part of Central Europe, Asia Minor and Southeast Russia to South Caucasus. It can be found on warm slopes, dry grassland and in quarries. In Central Europe the species is very rare and only rarely recorded. However, it is not regarded as endangered.

04.05.2014 (published on 09.06.2014)
Record of Ceutorhynchus coerulescens near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate)
Ceutorhynchus coerulescens
8 Like
On May 4th, 2014, six specimens of the weevil Ceutorhynchus coerulescens were discovered near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate) on their host plant field pepperweed (Lepidium campestre). The thermophilous species is known to occur from Spain to Central Europe. In Germany, the species is rare and currently only recorded from Baden, Hesse and Rhineland. This first discovery for the Palatinate closes the gap in the distribution map. In the Red List (1998) the species is classified as vulnerable, while Rheinheimer/Hassler meanwhile regard it as endangered (RL 2).

04.05.2014 (published on 06.05.2014)
Record of Euoniticellus fulvus near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate)
Euoniticellus fulvus
16 Like
On May 4th, 2014, two specimens of the very rare dung beetle Euoniticellus fulvus was discovered near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate) in fresh horse dung. The Ponto-Mediterranean species is currently only known to occur in Baden, Hesse and the Palatinate. In Baden, older records are known from the Lilienhof (Kaiserstuhl) and from the 90s from the grazing land 'Schelinger Viehweide'. In the Palatinate, records exist from the forest Bienwald. The stenotopic, xerothermophilous species prefers fresh dung of horses, sheep and cows. In Germany Euoniticellus fulvus is classified as critically endangered (RL 1).

19.04.2014 (published on 23.04.2014)
Observation of Harpalus subcylindricus near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate)
Harpalus subcylindricus
9 Like
On April 19th, 2014 two specimens of the ground beetle Harpalus subcylindricus were observed in an abandoned limestone quarry near Neuleiningen. The thermophilous species is known to occur from the Pyreneeen over Central Europe, Asia Minor and Sibiria to China. It can be found from the lowlands to the colline zone in dry habitats like calcareous grassland on sandy clay, shell limestone and gypsum. In Germany the species is missing in the North and is scattered and rather rare (RL D).

19.04.2014 (published on 23.04.2014)
Observation of Ophonus schaubergerianus near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate)
Ophonus schaubergerianus
5 Like
On April 19th, 2014 three specimens of the ground beetle Ophonus schaubergerianus were observed in an abandoned limestone quarry near Neuleiningen. The xerophilous species is known to occur from Western Europe over the southern part of North Europe and South Europe to Asia Minor and the Balkan mountains. In Germany it is missing from the Northern Federal States. It can be easily confused with other Ophonus species and usually the determination should be confirmed by inspection of the aedoeadus of the male.

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