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Text © K. Reißmann, T. Hörren, M. Stern, F. Bötzl and C. Benisch

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Ips typographus (L., 1758)
Ips typographus
Ips typographus A
Ips typographus B
Ips typographus C
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The 4.1 to 5.5 mm large European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (family Scolytidae) is one of five species of the genus in Germany. It is known to occur in Europe, Asia Minor, Siberia and in the Far East. In the North it reaches Lapland. As a serious pest they infest mainly spruce (Picea), but also larch (Larix), pine (Pinus) and fir (Abies). The beetles are attracted to vulnerable hosts and communicate with pheromones, so that more beetles are attracted to the already attacked host. The beetles burrow through the weakened bark in order to build tunnels where they mate and lay eggs. Under favorable weather conditions, the development cycle takes six weeks. With three generations per year outbreaks are possible. Prevention and control is done by removing infested and surrounding at-risk trees from the forest. (CB)

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