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Text © K. Reißmann, T. Hörren, M. Stern, F. Bötzl and C. Benisch

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Drypta dentata (Rossi, 1790)
Drypta dentata
Drypta dentata A
Drypta dentata B
Drypta dentata C
16 Like
The 7 to 9 mm large ground beetle Drypta dentata (family Carabidae) is one of only two species in the genus in Europe and the only one occurring in Central Europe. Its distribution ranges from Southern Europe over Central and Southeast Europe to Western Russia. It prefers warm habitats close to water bodies. The beetles can be found in floodplains under wood and stones both on muddy and stony ground. It does also tolerate salt-influenced habitats. Drypta dentata hibernates as adult beetle and shows a tendency to aggregate in larger groups under loose bark for hibernation. In Germany, the species is currently only recorded from the South. Despite this geographical restriction, it is not regarded as endangered in the Red List of endangered species. (FB)

Zyras collaris (Payk., 1800)
Zyras collaris
Zyras collaris A
Zyras collaris B
Zyras collaris C
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The 4 to 5 mm large rove beetle Zyras collaris (family Staphylinidae) is one of eleven representatives of the genus in Germany. Worldwide, the genus in the wider sense comprises more than 800 species. Zyras collaris is known to occur in entire Central and Northern Europe (without the far North). In the south it reaches Northeast Spain, in the east the Caucasus. Additionally, there are records known from Algeria. The stenotopic, hygrophilous and paludicolous species can be found on wet meadows and on the swampy edges of water bodies, preferably in wet spots, mostly associated with ants, but also in detritus and leaf litter. In Germany, recent records of Zyras collaris are known from all regions and the species is not regarded as endangered, but becomes more rare towards the west. (CB)

Coraebus undatus (F., 1787)
Coraebus undatus
Coraebus undatus A
Coraebus undatus B
Coraebus undatus C
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The 10 to 14 mm large jewel beetle Coraebus undatus (family Buprestidae) is one of four representatives of the genus in Germany. Worldwide, the mainly palearctic genus comprises more than 180 species, but is not present in the Americas. From Africa and Australia only very few species are known. Coraebus undatus is of holomediterranean distribution and reaches the northern border of its range in the Lower Rhine region and in Brandenburg. The beetles live on sun-exposed oaks in warm habitats, e.g. Dry floodplains and dry slopes. The larvae develop in a 2-3-year cycle under the bark of ailing oaks, mainly in the trunk or larger branches. The diurnal beetles can be found from end of May on their host trees, mainly in the canopy. In Germany, its relevance for forestry is low and Coraebus undatus is regarded as endangered (RL 2). (CB)

Megatoma undata (L., 1758)
Megatoma undata
Megatoma undata A
Megatoma undata B
Megatoma undata C
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The 4 to 6 mm large larder beetle Megatoma undata (family Dermestidae) is the only representative of the genus in Germany. Worldwide, the genus comprises 21 species, thereof seven in the Palearctic, twelve in the Nearctic, one in the Indomalaya ecozone and one is of holarctic distribution. Megatoma undata is known to occur from Europe to Siberia. The larva develops in the nests of Mason bees and other hymenopterans, where it feeds on the remains of dead insects and probably also pollen. The beetles can be found on old wood populated by hymenopterans, on sun-exposed walls of clay-pits as well as on house walls in rural regions, occasionally in blossoms. In Germany, recent records are known from all Federal States. Megatoma undata is not very often recorded and is regarded as vulnerable (RL 3). (CB)

Bitoma crenata (F., 1775)
Bitoma crenata
Bitoma crenata A
Bitoma crenata B
Bitoma crenata C
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The 2.6 to 3.5 mm large cylindrical bark beetle Bitoma crenata (family Colydiidae) is the only representative of the genus in Germany. Worldwide the genus comprises more than 100 species. Bitoma crenata is widespread in Europe and reached the Polar Circle, in the East it reaches the Caucasus, Mongolia and the Tomsk region in western Siberia. The eurytopic, silvicolous species lives in deciduous and mixed forests and parks. The beetles live and develop under dead, loose bark of deciduous and coniferous trees and under dry bracket fungi. Both larvae and beetles prey on other small invertebrates. The beetles can be found throughout the year, often gregarious and occasionally on the bark in the sunshine. In Germany, Bitoma crenata is everywhere common and not endangered. (CB)

Pseudocistela ceramboides (L., 1761)
Pseudocistela ceramboides
Pseudocistela ceramboides A
Pseudocistela ceramboides B
Pseudocistela ceramboides C
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The 10 to 12 mm large comb-clawed beetle Pseudocistela ceramboides (family Alleculidae) is the only representative of the genus in Germany. In the entire Palearctic the genus comprises ten species, thereof six in the eastern Palearctic. Pseudocistela ceramboides is known to occur from South England and southern Fennoscandia to Northern Italy and in east-west direction from France to the Baltic. The beetles can be found from May to July in sparse oak forests, clearcuttings and at the edges of forests. The adult beetles live on decaying wood, mainly oak. The larvae develop in decaying wood and wood detritus. The beetles are nocturnal and attracted to light sources. In Germany, recent records of Pseudocistela ceramboides are known from most Federal States, but the species is regarded as endangered (RL ,2). (CB)

Omaloplia ruricola (F., 1775)
Omaloplia ruricola
Omaloplia ruricola A
Omaloplia ruricola B
Omaloplia ruricola C
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The 5 to 7.5 mm large scarab beetle Omaloplia ruricola (family Scarabaeidae) is the more common of the two representatives of the genus in Germany. In total, the genus comprises 25 species from Central Europe to Central Asia. Omaloplia ruricola is known to occur from Spain over Central Europe (including South England) to North Italy and the Northern Balkan and reaches Russia in the east (Novgorod region). The stenotopic, xerophilous species lives on warm and grassy slopes, on steppe and calcareous grassland. The beetles can be found from May to September on grasses, on low vegetation and on shrubs. The larvae develop in the ground feed on grass roots and also hibernate in the soil. In Germany, Omaloplia ruriola is only missing in the North. The species is not regarded as endangered. (CB)

Rhagium sycophanta (Schrk., 1781)
Rhagium sycophanta
Rhagium sycophanta A
Rhagium sycophanta B
Rhagium sycophanta C
24 Like
The 17 to 30 mm large longhorn beetle Rhagium sycophanta (family Cerambycidae) is the largest of the four representatives of the genus in our fauna. Totally, the genus comprises 17 species in the Palearctic, thereof 12 in the western Palearctic. Rhagium sycophanta is known to occur from Europe to Asia minor, the Caucasus and the Altai Mountains. The stenotopic, silvicolous species lives in deciduous and mixed forests from the lowlands to the low mountain range. It develops in oak, rarely in other deciduous trees like beech, lime, birch, alder and chestnut. The beetles can be found on the host trees, often at the foot of the tree, occasionally also on umbellifers. The larvae dig broad, flat galleries under the bark into the wood of oak stumps, logs and ailing trees. The formerly common species has become rare in Germany and is regarded as vulnerable (RL 3). (CB)

Lachnaia sexpunctata (Scop., 1763)
Lachnaia sexpunctata
Lachnaia sexpunctata A
Lachnaia sexpunctata B
Lachnaia sexpunctata C
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The 9 to 13 mm large leaf beetle Lachnaia sexpunctata (family Chrysomelidae) is the only representative of the genus in our fauna. The genus comprises 20 species in the western Palearctic und two in the Afrotropical region. It is most speciose in the Mediterranean region. Lachnaia sexpunctata is known to occur from Northeast France over Southern Germany and Southeast Europe to Asia minor. The stenotopic, xerothermophilous species can be found on sun-exposed dry and warm slopes, especially of volcanic origin. It is polyphagous and lives on exposed branches of oak (Quercus), but also on hazel (Corylus) and willow species (Salix). The male exhibits conspicuous large legs and tarsi. In Germany, the species is confined to the southern half of the country and is regarded as endangered (RL 2). (CB)

Mogulones larvatus (Schltz., 1896)
Mogulones larvatus
Mogulones larvatus A
Mogulones larvatus B
Mogulones larvatus C
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The almost 5 mm large root-crown weevil Mogulones larvatus (family Curculionidae) with its coloration rich in contrast appears in spring, mostly from April to June, but a bit later than its smaller sister species Mogulones pallidicornis, which often appears already in March. Mogulones larvatus is also considerably rarer and seems to prefer taller specimen of the host plant common lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis). The species is known to occur throughout almost entire Europe, North Africa and Siberia in the East. However, in Germany records are rare and scattered and the species is regarded as endangered (RL 2). While in Germany the species is found in beech forests, in Southern Europe it also lives in more open habitats on viper's bugloss (Echium) species. In Australia it is even used as a biological control agent against imported expansive Echium species. (MS)

Cymindis humeralis (Geoffr., 1785)
Cymindis humeralis
Cymindis humeralis A
Cymindis humeralis B
Cymindis humeralis C
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The ground beetle Cymindis humeralis (family Carabidae) is a characteristic species of calcareous grassland and heathland. The genus Cymindis comprises approx. 40 species in Europe, thereof nine are present in Germany. With 8 to 11 mm body length, Cymindis humeralis is medium-sized. Its coloration is typical: Dark, glabrous elytra with a light-colored spot at the base. The species is among to more common representatives of the genus. It is known to occur from the southern part of Northern Europe to North Africa and Western Asia. In Germany the species is widespread, but is not very often recorded. For this reason, and due to the progressing loss of its habitats, Cymindis humeralis is classified as vulnerable (RL 3) in the Red List of endangered species in Germany. (FB)

Dasycerus sulcatus Brongn., 1800
Dasycerus sulcatus
Dasycerus sulcatus A
Dasycerus sulcatus B
Dasycerus sulcatus C
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The only 1.8 to 2.3 mm large rove beetle Dasycerus sulcatus (family Staphylinidae) is one of four representatives of the genus and the only one occurring in our fauna. Formerly, the species where counted into a separated family (Dasyceridae), but have been transferred as subfamily to the family roves beetles. The brown body exhibits characteristic chitinous sculptures. The long, thin antenna are very conspicuous. Dasycerus sulcatus is known to occur from North Africa over South and Central Europe to the Caucasus. The eurytopic, mycetophagous species can be found decaying plant matter and in moldy detritus as well as in patches of moss and in decaying dead wood in deciduous and mixed forests of the colline zone. The feed on fungal hyphae. In Germany, Dasycerus sulcatus is missing in the northern regions. It is not regarded as endangered. (CB)

Agrilus sinuatus (Ol., 1790)
Agrilus sinuatus
Agrilus sinuatus A
Agrilus sinuatus B
Agrilus sinuatus C
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The 4.5 to 10 mm large Sinuate Peartree Borer Agrilus sinuatus (family Buprestidae) is one of approx. 30 representatives of the genus in our fauna. Worldwide the speciose genus comprises almost 2900 species. The distribution of Agrilus sinuatus ranges from Western Europe to Siberia and the Transbaikal Region. It also has been introduced to North America. Especially after warm summers, it can become a pest in pear cultivation as well as in hawthorn. The larvae feed under the bark and create characteristic zig-zag-shaped galleries. The bark shows cracks and patches of fermenting tree sap are usually visible. Moderate infestation can be usually managed, but in case of severe infestations, the trees die after 2-3 years. In Germany, Agrilus sinuatus has been recorded from most regions and is not endangered. However, the adults are only rarely found in the wild. (CB)

Reesa vespulae (Mill., 1939)
Reesa vespulae
Reesa vespulae A
Reesa vespulae B
Reesa vespulae C
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The 2.8 to 3.8 mm large Wasp Nest Dermestid Reesa vespulae (family Dermestidae) is the only representative of the monotypic genus worldwide. Initially originating from North America, Reesa vespulae has been introduced to many regions and countries of the world, e.g. Europe, Russia and Japan, North Africa, Australia and New Zealand as well as Chile. During the 1960s it began to appear in Europe and has become common since then. In nature, it lives in bee hives and wasps' nests where it feeds on dead insects, but it can also live on other dried animal and plant matter. In museum collections they can become a dangerous pest. In households however, the rarely create any damage. The females deposit up to 100 eggs on suitable substrates. After hatching, the larvae dig themselves into the substrate. In Germany, Reesa vespulae is recorded from many Federal States and is not regarded as endangered. (CB)

Hedobia regalis (Duft., 1825)
Hedobia regalis
Hedobia regalis A
Hedobia regalis B
Hedobia regalis C
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The 3 to 4.5 mm large anobiid beetle Hedobia regalis (family Anobiidae) is one of three representatives of the genus in our fauna. Meanwhile, two of the species have been transferred to genus Ptinomorphus. Hedobia regalis occurs from Europe (with exception of the British Isles and the North) to Asia minor and the Caucasus. The stenotopic, thermophilous species lives at sun-exposed edges of forests, on shrubs and bushes on warm slopes and in parks. It develops in decaying wood of deciduous trees. The sister species Hedobia imperialis looks very similar. It can be distinguished by the absence and raised stripes on the elytra. Both share the same habitat types, but Hedobia regalis is confined to warm regions of Central and Southern Europe. In Germany, with the exception of Saxony-Anhalt, Hedobia regalis has been recorded only from the Southwest and is regarded as endangered (RL 2). (CB)

Osphya bipunctata (F., 1775)
Osphya bipunctata
Osphya bipunctata A
Osphya bipunctata B
Osphya bipunctata C
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The 5 to 11 mm large false darkling beetle Osphya bipunctata (family Melandryidae) is currently the only representative of the genus in Germany, although its sister species, O. aeneipennis does occur in the Alps and might appear in South Germany. Worldwide, the genus comprises approx. 25 species. Osphya bipunctata occurs from South England over Central and Southeast Europe to the Caspian Sea. The stenotopic, thermophilous species lives in sparse deciduous forests (often floodplain forests) and at the sun-exposed edges of forests. The adults can be found on blossoming bushes, e.g. hawthorn (Crataegus), dogwood (Cornus) and Viburnum. Some males (but not all) exhibit thickened and spiked rear femora. Osphya bipunctata is recorded from most regions in Germany, but it is regarded as endangered (RL 2). (CB)

Aphodius quadrimaculatus (L., 1761)
Aphodius quadrimaculatus
Aphodius quadrimaculatus A
Aphodius quadrimaculatus B
Aphodius quadrimaculatus C
20 Like
The 3 to 4 mm large pasture cockchafer Aphodius quadrimaculatus (family Scarabaeidae) is one on numerous representatives of the genus. Worldwide the genus comprises more than 1000 species, in Europe approx. 130, thereof around 60 are currently recorded from Germany. The genus is undergoing taxonomic revision and is split up in several genera at the moment. Aphodius quadrimaculatus occurs from Western, Central and Southern Europe to Asia minor and the Caucasus. The stenotopic, thermophilous species lives on warm and dry slopes and appears from March to June. They can be found on sheep dung, rarely on cow dung and occasionally in the burrows of rodents and foxes. After mating the females deposit their eggs directly in the dung. The larvae feed of the dung. In Germany, the species is missing in the North and the East. It is not endangered. (CB)

Trichoferus pallidus (Ol., 1790)
Trichoferus pallidus
Trichoferus pallidus A
Trichoferus pallidus B
Trichoferus pallidus C
21 Like
The 14 to 21 mm large longhorn beetle Trichoferus pallidus (family Cerambycidae) is the only representative of the genus in our fauna. The thermophilous species is known to occur from Western over Central Europa to the Crimea and the Northern Caucasus. The nocturnal species can be found in old oak forests on old oaks with partially dead treetop and in the process of dying. Trichoferus pallidus is very demanding concerning its habitat. Occurrences are limited to forests which have never been devastated since the end of the last glacial period 12,500 years ago. Its larvae develop under the bark of trunks and thick branches of oak, very rarely of beech or lime. Recent records in Germany are only known from Baden, the Palatinate and Hesse. Trichoferus pallidus is regarded as critically endangered (RL 1). (CB)

Chrysomela vigintipunctata Scop., 1763
Chrysomela vigintipunctata
Chrysomela vigintipunctata A
Chrysomela vigintipunctata B
Chrysomela vigintipunctata C
21 Like
The 6.5 to 8.5 mm large spotted willow leaf beetle Chrysomela vigintipunctata (family Chrysomelidae) is one of seven representatives of the otherwise holarctic genus in Germany. The distribution of Chrysomela vigintipunctata ranges from Eastern France to Japan. The stenotopic, ripicolous beetles can be found from April to August in forests near waterbodies on willow, less often on birch and alder. Both the beetles and their larvae feed on the leaves of their host plants. The larvae skeletonize leaves, especially at the edges and have a tendency to aggregate. They can cause economic damage in tree nurseries when willows and alder are attacked there. The species is recorded from almost all regions of Germany and is regarded as not endangered. (CB)

Coeliodes trifasciatus Bach, 1854
Coeliodes trifasciatus
Coeliodes trifasciatus A
Coeliodes trifasciatus B
Coeliodes trifasciatus C
19 Like
The palearctic genus Coeliodes (family Curculionidae) comprises around 30 species, which all develop in oak, contrary to the representatives of the closely related genus Coeliodinus, which lives on birch and was regarded as a subgenus of Coeliodes in the past. With their coloration, the adults resemble oak buds, hence they are perfectly camouflaged on the branches still leafless in spring. They deposit their eggs in the buds and the larvae develop in the developing catkin. The new generation appears in early summer and hibernates in leaf litter. Among the five species of the genus in Germany, Coeliodes trifasciatus is the most thermophilous. The southern and central European species lives on common oak, in the south also on downy oak. In our fauna, it is limited to south-facing, dry oak coppice and edges of forests. Coeliodes trifasciatus is everywhere rather rare, but is still not regarded as endangered. (MS)

Odacantha melanura (L., 1767)
Odacantha melanura
Odacantha melanura A
Odacantha melanura B
Odacantha melanura C
19 Like
The conspicuous ground beetle Odacantha melanura (family Carabidae) is the only European representative of the genus, which is most speciose in the tropic region. The 6 to 8 mm large species is known to occur throughout Europe to western Siberia. The species is hygrophilous and lives at the edges of waterbodies, swamps and wet meadows with plenty of reed from the planar to the colline zone. They mate in spring. The beetles are predaceous and feed mainly on springtails (Collembola). They hibernate in the stalks of reed, where also the larvae develop. In Germany, Odacantha melanura is currently recorded from the North mainly. Although it is known to occur throughout Germany, it is not too often recorded. In the Red list of endangered species of Germany it is therefore regarded as near threatened. (FB)

Plegaderus dissectus Er., 1839
Plegaderus dissectus
Plegaderus dissectus A
Plegaderus dissectus B
Plegaderus dissectus C
18 Like
The only 1 to 1.5 mm large clown beetle Plegaderus dissectus (family Histeridae) is one of only five representatives of the genus in Germany. Worldwide, the genus comprises 28 species, thereof 14 in the Nearctic region. The distribution of Plegaderus dissectus ranges from Central and Southern Europe to the Caucasus. The stenotopic, silvicolous and lignicolous species lives in deciduous forests and parks in decaying stumps of deciduous infested with white rot., as well as in tinder fungus on beech and associated with ants, mainly Lasius brunneus and Formica cunicularia. They are thought to be preying on the larvae of bark beetles. Due to their small size they are often overlooked. In Germany, Plegaderus dissectus ist present in almost all Federal States, but is regarded as vulnerable (RL 3). (CB)

Scintillatrix rutilans (F., 1777)
Scintillatrix rutilans
Scintillatrix rutilans A
Scintillatrix rutilans B
Scintillatrix rutilans C
22 Like
The 9 to 15 mm large jewel beetle Scintillatrix rutilans (family Buprestidae) is one of only three representatives of the genus in Germany. Worldwide the genus comprises approx. 55 species from Europe to Eurasia and Japan. Scintillatrix rutilans is known to occur from Europe to South Russia and avoids the influence of the atlantic climate. It populates sun-exposed, old lime trees, e.g. on south-facing slopes, lime alleys and solitary trees in residential areas. The development takes 2-3 years and takes place under the bark. The adult beetles swarm in warm, sunny weather, but hide quickly when the sky is cloudy and overcast. Especially the males escape swiftly in sunshine. They appear from May to July. In Germany, recent records are only known from the southern half of the country. Scintillatrix rutilans is regarded as endangered (RL 2). (CB)

Clitostethus arcuatus (Rossi, 1794)
Clitostethus arcuatus
Clitostethus arcuatus A
Clitostethus arcuatus B
Clitostethus arcuatus C
26 Like
The only 1.2 to 1.5 mm large ladybird Clitostethus arcuatus (family Coccinellidae) is thermophilous and in Europe mainly of Mediterranean distribution. In Central Europe it is limited to habitats with favorable warm climate, e.g. the Upper Rhine valley. The beetles live on ivy, deciduous and coniferous trees. They prey on representatives of the whiteflies (Aleyrodidae) native to Europe. For pest control purposes they have been introduced to many countries, e.g. California, Chile and Iran as a biological control agent against ash whitefly, Siphoninus phillyreae, which attacks ash, but also many fruit trees and citrus. In Central Europe the beetles can generate up to three overlapping generations between May and early November. The stenotopic species is regarded as endangered (RL 2) in our fauna. (CB)

Abdera quadrifasciata (Curt., 1829)
Abdera quadrifasciata
Abdera quadrifasciata A
Abdera quadrifasciata B
Abdera quadrifasciata C
19 Like
The 2.5 to 4 mm large false darkling beetle Abdera quadrifasciata (family Melandryidae) is in Germany one of five representatives, which is otherwise present with several species both in the Palearctic and in the Nearctic. The stenotopic, silvicolous species is known to occur in Western, Eastern and Southern Europe, but only sporadically in Central Europe. The beetles can be found in warm habitats on stems and branches of various deciduous trees infested with fungi, mainly oak (Quercus), beech (Fagus), chestnut (Castanea) and hazel (Corylus). Most of the discoveries are made from branches of oak in the presence of the fungus False Turkey Tail (Stereum hirsutum). In Germany the occurrences are rare and scattered and are centered in the southwest and west of Germany. Abdera quadrifasciata is regarded as vulnerable (RL 3). (CB)

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