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Text © K. Reißmann, T. Hörren, M. Stern, F. Bötzl and C. Benisch

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Meloe decorus Br.Er., 1832
Meloe decorus
Meloe decorus A
Meloe decorus B
Meloe decorus C
18 Like
The 12 to 20 mm large blister beetle Meloe decorus (family Meloidae) is one of currently ten reported representatives of the genus in Germany. Worldwide the genus comprises more than 150 species in 16 subgenera. Meloe decorus is of eastern palearctic distribution and does also occur in the Middle East and a few European countries from eastern France to the Balkan Peninsula. The stenotopic, thermophilous species lives on warm slopes, in quarries and sand pits, as well as levees from the lowlands to the colline zone. The adults feed on various plants. They show a complex courtship behavior, in which the male stimulates the female with fast movements of the antenna and the abdomen. The larvae develop in the nests of wild bee species, especially Andrena. In Germany Meloe decorus is limited to a few Federal States and is considered critically endangered (RL 1). (CB)

Phytobaenus amabilis Sahlb., 1834
Phytobaenus amabilis
Phytobaenus amabilis A
Phytobaenus amabilis B
Phytobaenus amabilis C
14 Like
The 2 to 2.8 mm large antlike leaf beetle Phytobaenus amabilis (family Aderidae) is the only member of the monotypic genus Phytobaenus worldwide. The Euro -Siberian species is distributed from Northern and Central Europe to Siberia and Japan. In Central Europe the species is scattered and extremely rare. In Germany it was considered lost (RL 0) for a long time until it was rediscovered in 2008 in the forest Bienwald (Rhineland-Palatinate). Meanwhile a few recent records are known from the Palatinate, Baden and Saxony-Anhalt. The stenotopic, silvicolous species prefers forest edges and clearings in old deciduous forests. The beetles can be found from May to July on old wood and on the vegetation near old trees. Most probably the development takes place in decaying hardwood. (CB)

Scaphidium quadrimaculatum Ol., 1790
Scaphidium quadrimaculatum
Scaphidium quadrimaculatum A
Scaphidium quadrimaculatum B
Scaphidium quadrimaculatum C
15 Like
The 5 to 6 mm large rove beetle Scaphidium quadrimaculatum (family Staphylinidae) is the only representatives of the genus in Germany and can be easily recognized. Worldwide the genus Scaphidium comprises over 260 species with their main distribution area being the tropics. Scaphidium quadrimaculatum occurs from southern France through northern and central Europe to the Balkans and reaches the Altai Mountains in the east. The eurytopic, mycetophilous species lives in deciduous and mixed forests, at forest edges and in gardens. The beetles can be found on wood infested with fungi, on dead trees, rotting and fungus-infected twigs on the ground, on bracket fungi and in moss and leaf litter. Probably they feed on fungal mycelium. The adults hibernate. In Germany, the species is reported from all Federal States and is very common. (CB)

Atholus bimaculatus (L., 1758)
Atholus bimaculatus
Atholus bimaculatus A
Atholus bimaculatus B
Atholus bimaculatus C
16 Like
The 3.5 to 6 mm large clown beetle Atholus bimaculatus (family Histeridae) is one of the four representatives of the genus in Germany. Worldwide the genus comprises over 70 species. Today Atholus bimaculatus is almost cosmopolitan. Originally from the Palaearctic region, the species is now widespread throughout the Nearctic and there are also records from the Afrotropical and Neotropical region. The eurytopic, stercoricolous species lives in fields, gardens, ruderal sites and in stables. The beetles and their larvae are found in feces, manure and compost heaps, on decaying plant matter. They are also reported from bird nests. The beetles are predators and feed on eggs and larvae of various dipterans. In Germany, the species is known to occur in all Federal States and is everywhere common. (CB)

Agonum sexpunctatum (L., 1758)
Agonum sexpunctatum
Agonum sexpunctatum A
Agonum sexpunctatum B
Agonum sexpunctatum C
19 Like
The 7 to 9 mm large ground beetle Agonum sexpunctatum (family Carabidae) is one of the numerous representatives of the genus, which is spread throughout the Holarctic with over 250 species. Agonum sexpunctatum is a western palearctic species of the temperate and boreal zone and is known to occur from Europe to Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Siberia. The eurytopic, moderately hygrophilous species can be found in forests, on the edges of fields, on meadows, bogs, heaths and ruderal sites from the lowlands to the mountain range. They prefer sunny and humid places. The females lay their eggs in summer. After one week, the larvae hatch. The development of the larvae takes 2 - 3 weeks. The beetles hibernate. In Germany Agonum sexpunctatum is present everywhere and mostly common. (CB)

Rhynchaenus lonicerae (Hbst., 1795)
Rhynchaenus lonicerae
Rhynchaenus lonicerae A
Rhynchaenus lonicerae B
Rhynchaenus lonicerae C
19 Like
The 2.5 to 3 mm large flea weevil Rhynchaenus lonicerae (family Curculionidae) is one of the numerous representatives of the worldwide present genus Rhynchaenus. Meanwhile, many of the subgenera have been raised to genus status. Rhynchaenus lonicerae is known to occur in Central Europe, in the east to Slovakia, as well as disjunctive in Finland and in the Urals. The stenotopic, silvicolous species lives in sparse deciduous forests and at the edges of forests. It develops on Red Honeysuckle (Lonicera xylosteum). Egg deposition takes place in early spring. The larva develops in leaf mines and pupates in a cocoon. The beetle hibernates as imago. In Germany, the species is scattered and rare and is limited to the south and east. It is regarded as endangered (RL 3). (CB)

Sclerophaedon orbicularis (Suffr., 1851)
Sclerophaedon orbicularis
Sclerophaedon orbicularis A
Sclerophaedon orbicularis B
Sclerophaedon orbicularis C
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The 3 to 4.5 mm large leaf beetle Sclerophaedon orbicularis (family Chrysomelidae) lives a secluded life, and is not often discovered. The genus Sclerophaedon displays a marked montane distribution and comprises only three species, two of which are present in our fauna. Sclerophaedon orbicularis inhabits cool moist upland valleys of Central Europe and has been recorded in many mountain ranges in Germany. It lives on waterlogged sites such as muddy banks of small forest streams. The species develops on Water Chickweed (Myosoton aquaticum) and Wood Stitchwort (Stellaria nemorum) which grow in such locations. Both beetles and their larvae can be found from May to July. Sclerophaedon orbicularis is not recorded very often, but is not considered endangered. (MS)

Trinodes hirtus (F., 1781)
Trinodes hirtus
Trinodes hirtus A
Trinodes hirtus B
Trinodes hirtus C
24 Like
The only 1.5 to 2.5 mm large skin beetle Trinodes hirtus (family Dermestidae) is the only representative of the genus in Germany. Worldwide the genus comprises 15 species, most of them in Asia. Trinodes hirtus is distributed from North Africa over Europe to Asia minor, the Caucasus and Turkmenistan. The eurytopic, araneophilous species lives in hollow trees, under loose bark, on the woodwork and window frames of dilapidated buildings. Both beetles and larvae dwell in and around cobwebs, even when the spider is active. They feed on leftovers of insects in the cobwebs. The larvae hibernate and pupate in May. The adult beetles are active from May to August. In Germany Trinodes hirtus is reported in almost all Federal States, but is considered vulnerable (RL 3). (CB)

Isorhipis melasoides (Cast., 1835)
Isorhipis melasoides
Isorhipis melasoides A
Isorhipis melasoides B
Isorhipis melasoides C
21 Like
The 7.8 to 11 mm large false click beetle Isorhipis melasoides (family Eucnemidae) is the more common of the two species of the genus in Germany. Worldwide the genus comprises 18 species. Isorhipis melasoides shows a disjunctive distribution in Europe: In the west from Spain to western Central Europa, in the east from the Balkan to South Austria, with an extinction zone in between. The stenotopic, silvicolous species lives in old deciduous forests. The larvae develop in rotting wood of deciduous trees, mainly beech, occasionally hornbeam, linden, rarely in oak. The adult beetles can be found from end of May to July on the host trees or the vegetation around them as well as on stacks of wood. In Germany, Isorhipis melasoides is known to occur in most Federal States, but is regarded as endangered (RL 2). (CB)

Tilloidea unifasciata (F., 1787)
Tilloidea unifasciata
Tilloidea unifasciata A
Tilloidea unifasciata B
Tilloidea unifasciata C
21 Like
The 5 to 8 mm large checkered beetle Tilloidea unifasciata (family Cleridae) is the only representative of the genus in Germany, which comprises five species in the Palearctic. Tilloidea unifasciata is known to occur in in Europe, Asia minor, Iran and reaches India in the east. The beetles live in sparse deciduous forests, at sun-exposed edges of forests and in vineyards. They can be found on rotting wood, infested by other insects, mainly oak, but also vine wood. Both the beetles and their larvae prey on saproxylic beetles and their larvae. In Germany the thermophilous species is missing in the northern Federal States. Their populations are often scattered, rare and are regarded as endangered (RL 2). Consequently, Tilloidea unifasciata is not recorded particularly often. (CB)

Axinotarsus marginalis (Cast., 1840)
Axinotarsus marginalis
Axinotarsus marginalis A
Axinotarsus marginalis B
Axinotarsus marginalis C
15 Like
The 3 to 4 mm large soft-winged flower beetle Axinotarsus marginalis (family Malachiidae) is one of three representatives of the genus in Germany. In the Palearctic the genus comprises more than 30 species. A. marginalis can be distinguished from its similar sister species A. pulicarius by the at least partially yellow front and middle tibiae, which are completely black in A. pulicarius. The eurytopic, graminaceicolous species lives in Central and Southern Europa and reaches the Caucasus in the east. It can be found at the edges of forests, on glades, in floodplains and on heathland. The larva is predaceous and develops in rotten wood, whereas the beetles dwell on flowering grasses, where they feed on pollen. In Germany, Axinotarsus marginalis is recorded from all Federal States and is not regarded as endangered. (CB)

Plectophloeus nitidus (Fairm., 1857)
Plectophloeus nitidus
Plectophloeus nitidus A
Plectophloeus nitidus B
Plectophloeus nitidus C
22 Like
The 1.3 to 1.5 mm large short-winged mold beetle Plectophloeus nitidus (family Pselaphidae) is one of six representatives of the genus in Germany. In the Western Palearctic the genus comprises 12 species. Plectophloeus nitidus is known to occur in Western, Central and Southeast Europe. In the North it reaches the British Isles, Denmark and South Sweden. The stenotopic, hygrophilous and silvicolous species lives in deciduous forests, parks and floodplains in moist, rotting wood (red-rotten oak wood seems to be preferred), also in wood detritus, under bark and in rotting brushwood. Often they live close to ants of genus Lasius. They feed on other small insects and mites. In the German fauna they are among the more common Plectophloeus species with records from many Federal States. They are not regarded as endangered. (CB)

Euconnus rutilipennis (Müll.Kunze, 1822)
Euconnus rutilipennis
Euconnus rutilipennis A
Euconnus rutilipennis B
Euconnus rutilipennis C
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The only 1.9 to 2.1 mm large antlike stone beetle Euconnus rutilipennis (family Scydmaenidae) is one of twelve representatives of the genus in Germany. Worldwide, the speciose genus comprises more than 2500 species in all biogeographic ecozones. Euconnus rutilipennis is known to occur from the southern part of Northern Europe over Central Europa to the northern part of South Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. The stenotopic, hygrophilous and paludicolous species lives in swamps, at the edges of swampy stagnant waters under leaf litter, detritus as well as in bogs on peat moss (Sphagnum). The species is missing in the mountain range. Like most representatives of the genus, the beetles feed on mites. In Germany, Euconnus rutilipennis is recorded from many Federal States and is not endangered. (CB)

Berosus signaticollis (Charp., 1825)
Berosus signaticollis
Berosus signaticollis A
Berosus signaticollis B
Berosus signaticollis C
15 Like
The 5 to 6.4 mm large water scavenger beetle Berosus signaticollis (family Hydrophilidae) is one of six representatives of the genus in Germany. Worldwide the genus comprises more than 260 species. Berosus signaticollis is known to occur in South and Central Europe including the British Isles. The stenotopic, tyrphobiont species lives in bog ponds and sun exposed tarns. With the conspicuous black doubled mark on the disc of the pronotum is can be relatively easily recognized among the otherwise rather difficult species. The beetles can breathe under water by absorbing oxygen through their body surface. The larvae feed and small water-dwelling insects and crustaceans. In Germany, Berosus signaticollis is recorded from all Federal States and is not endangered, but becomes rarer towards the North. (CB)

Ophonus rufibarbis (F., 1792)
Ophonus rufibarbis
Ophonus rufibarbis A
Ophonus rufibarbis B
Ophonus rufibarbis C
15 Like
The 6 to 9.1 mm large ground beetle Ophonus rufibarbis (family Carabidae) belongs to the genus Ophonus, which comprises 16 species in Germany and approximately 70 species in the Palearctic. Ophonus rufibarbis is known to occur in Northwest Africa, Europe, the Caucasus, Central and South Russia, Asia minor, Central Asia and West Siberia. It has been introduced to North America. The eurytopic, xerophilous species lives on dry fields and ruderal sites, on sandy river banks, in sand and gravel pits and in sparse deciduous forests from the lowlands to the mountain range. Ophonus rufibarbis is phytophagous. The beetles can be found in tufts of grass and decaying plant matter. The beetles are nocturnal and capable of flight. In Germany Ophonus rufibarbis is widespread and not endangered. (CB)

Amalus scortillum (Hbst., 1795)
Amalus scortillum
Amalus scortillum A
Amalus scortillum B
Amalus scortillum C
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The 1.7 to 2.1 mm large weevil Amalus scortillum (family Curculionidae) is the only representative of the monotypic genus worldwide. The species is of palearctic distribution and has been introduced to North America. Some authors consider it a holarctic species. The beetles and their larvae live on birdweed (Polygonum aviculare), occasionally on sorrels (Rumex). The stenotopic, xerophilous and halotolerant species can be found on sandy soil, e.g. ruderal sites, boundary ridges, riverbanks and slopes, in sandpits and at the edges of forests. The females lay their eggs in April and May. The larvae feed on the roots and root collars of their host plant and pupate in the soil. In Germany, Amalus scortillum is present in all Federal States, but is not particularly often recorded. It is not regarded as endangered. (CB)

Chrysolina americana (L., 1758)
Chrysolina americana
Chrysolina americana A
Chrysolina americana B
Chrysolina americana C
21 Like
The 6 to 8 mm large Rosemary beetle Chrysolina americana (family Chrysomelidae) originates from the Mediterranean region despite its scientific name. It belongs to the speciose genus Chrysolina, which comprises about 450 species, the majority of the in the Palearctic. The stenotopic, xerothermophilous species has been introduced over the last years in several European countries und is meanwhile established on the British Isles. In Germany, it is still regarded as not firmly established. Both the beetles and their larvae live on various Lamiaceae, especially rosemary (Rosmarinus), lavender (Lavandula), thyme (Thymus) and sage (Salvia). They feed on the new shoot tips of their host plant and cause them to die. The larvae pupate in the soil. They are regarded as a pest in commercial herbs cultivation. (CB)

Triplax russica (L., 1758)
Triplax russica
Triplax russica A
Triplax russica B
Triplax russica C
17 Like
The 4.5 to 6.5 mm large pleasing fungus beetle Triplax russica (family Erotylidae) is one of 17 representatives of the genus in Europe. Worldwide the genus Triplax comprises about 100 species. In our fauna Triplax russica is relatively easily recognized by its size and parallel build and its black, clubbed antennae. Triplax russica ranges from North Africa over Europa (up to the far North) to the Caucasus. In Southern Europe it prefers the mountain range. The eurytopic, mycetobiont species inhabits deciduous forests and lives polyphagous on various bracket fungi (Meripilus, Pleurotus, Phellinus, Inonotus, Fomes, Fomitopsis, Polyporus) on deciduous trees, mainly beech. Larval development takes place in the bracket fungi. The larva dug themselves into the soil for pupation. The new generation hatches in July. In Germany, Triplax russica is widespread and common. (CB)

Dermestes lardarius L., 1758
Dermestes lardarius
Dermestes lardarius A
Dermestes lardarius B
Dermestes lardarius C
25 Like
The 7 to 9.5 mm large Larder beetle Dermestes lardarius (family Dermestidae) is among the easily recognizable species of the genus, thanks to the conspicuous hairy yellow band at the basal third of the elytra. Originating from Eurasia, the species is a cosmopolitan today and is regarded as hemerophile. In stores and households, both the beetles and their larvae feed on various animal products, including bacon, ham, cheese, noodles, but also stuffed animals, insect collections, leather and fur. Under ideal conditions (25 °C, 65% humidity), they can produce up to six generations per year. In Central Europa, under outdoor conditions it is usually one or two. The species is regarded both as a hygiene pest, but the larvae can also create structural damage to construction materials. In Germany, Dermestes lardarius is everywhere present and common. (CB)

Ischnodes sanguinicollis (Panz., 1793)
Ischnodes sanguinicollis
Ischnodes sanguinicollis A
Ischnodes sanguinicollis B
Ischnodes sanguinicollis C
22 Like
The 8.5 to 11 mm large click beetle Ischnodes sanguinicollis (family Elateridae) is the only representative of the genus in Europe. It is known to occur in Southern, Western and Central Europe (including the British Isles), in the East in Asia minor, the Caucasus and Siberia. The stenotopic, silvicolous species is counted among the so called Urwald relict species und lives in old deciduous forests. The larva develops in tree hollows at the foot of trees, mainly oak and beech, with a large filling of wood detritus formed by the activity of other insects. The larva is predaceous and feeds on other insect larvae. For pupation it attaches itself to small pieces of wood in the detritus. The beetles swarm during the afternoon hours on warm day starting end of April. In Germany, Ischnodes sanguinicollis is very rare and is regarded as critically endangered (RL 1). (CB)

Cantharis lateralis L., 1758
Cantharis lateralis
Cantharis lateralis A
Cantharis lateralis B
Cantharis lateralis C
14 Like
The 5 to 7 mm large soldier beetle Cantharis lateralis (family Cantharidae) is one of 24 representatives of the genus in Germany. In Europe the genus comprises around 80 species. In our fauna, Cantharis lateralis can be distinguished from similar species by the double pubescence and the yellow margin of the elytra. Its distribution stretches from North Africa over Europe, Asia minor and the Caucasus to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan. The eurytopic species inhabits the edges of ponds and rivers and wet, boggy meadows. They can be found on flower umbels and low vegetation. The beetles prey on other insects but also feed on pollen. In Germany, Cantharis lateralis is recorded from all Federal States and is not endangered. (CB)

Acylophorus wagenschieberi Kiesw., 1850
Acylophorus wagenschieberi
Acylophorus wagenschieberi A
Acylophorus wagenschieberi B
Acylophorus wagenschieberi C
20 Like
The 7 to 9 mm large rove beetle Acylophorus wagenschieberi (family Staphylinidae) is one of only two representatives of the genus in Germany, which are easily recognized by a prolonged scape and the geniculate antennae. Acylophorus wagenschieberi is known to occur from the southern part of Northern Europe over Central Europe to Siberia. The stenotopic, tyrphobiont species is a typical inhabitant of raised and transitional bogs, which lives on wet peat moss (Sphagnum) and requires a constant, high water level. Larval development takes place in June and July. The generation appears end of July and is active until October, before it seeks a suitable wintering ground and hibernates. Due to declining habitats the species has become rare in Germany and is regarded as vulnerable (RL 3). (CB)

Agathidium nigripenne (F., 1792)
Agathidium nigripenne
Agathidium nigripenne A
Agathidium nigripenne B
Agathidium nigripenne C
22 Like
The 2 to 2.7 mm large round fungus beetle Agathidium nigripenne (family Leiodidae) is one of close to 20 species of the genus Germany. Worldwide the genus is quite speciose and over the last years numerous new species have been named after public persons. Agathidium nigripenne is widespread in Europe and reaches beyond the polar circle. It lives in forests, mainly beech forests. The eurytopic, mycetophilous species can be found under bark, on rotting wood and in the leaf litter of forests. The beetles feed on slime molds (Eumycetozoa), but are also found on higher fungi (Basidiomycota). If they can directly feed on the latter remains to be clarified. If disturbed they can almost completely curl up into a ball. In Germany Agathidium nigripenne is widespread and everywhere common. (CB)

Sphaeridium scarabaeoides (L., 1758)
Sphaeridium scarabaeoides
Sphaeridium scarabaeoides A
Sphaeridium scarabaeoides B
Sphaeridium scarabaeoides C
23 Like
The 5.5 to 7.5 mm large terrestrial water scavenger beetle Sphaeridium scarabaeoides (family Hydrophilidae) is one of four representatives of the genus in Germany. Worldwide the genus comprises only somewhat more than 40 species. It can be distinguished from its very similar sister species S. lunatum by the brighter and more contoured red mark on the shoulder. The eurytopic, coprophilous species is of palearctic distribution and has been introduced to North America, where it is meanwhile established. The beetles live in fresh dung of cow, horse and sheep in various habitats. The females deposit their eggs directly in the dung, protected by a cocoon spun around them. The larvae develop in the dung. In Germany, Sphaeridium scarabaeoides is widespread and everywhere very common. (CB)

Bembidion argenteolum Ahr., 1812
Bembidion argenteolum
Bembidion argenteolum A
Bembidion argenteolum B
Bembidion argenteolum C
25 Like
The 6 to 7.5 mm large ground beetle Bembidion argenteolum (family Carabidae) is a representative of the exceedingly speciose genus Bembidion, which comprises more than 1200 species worldwide. Bembidion inhabits the northern Palearctic from Central and North Europe over Siberia to East Asia. Together with its similar sister species from the subgenus Bracteon, B. litorale and B. velox it lives on mud banks and near-natural immature soil alongside mid-sized and large flowing waters, habitats that usually found in dynamic floodplains. The larval development takes place in early summer in sandy substrate of the river banks. The beetles hibernate as imago. In Germany, Bembidion argenteolum is present in many Federal States, but due to its high habitat requirements it is generally rare and endangered (RL 2). (CB)

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