View answered requests for beetle ID

On this page you can find photos submitted by users from the start in 2012 till the shutdown in 2023. If possible, the species are identified by the ID team. Sometimes determination by photo only is impossible, in this case a hint on family and genus and potential species will be given.

Requests with likes

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# 194779
Direct link #194779
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,395   Species 322 
Requests of user KDCalendar2020-05-28 20:11 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5617 Usingen (HS) New species
Calendar 2020-05-28
28.5.20, 12mm, Cantharis obscura
Species, family:
Requests for species Cantharis obscura  Requests for family Cantharidae
  Hallo KD, bestätigt als Cantharis obscura. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 20:12

User photo 194776
Thumbnail 194776 A
Thumbnail 194776 B
Thumbnail 194776 C
# 194776
Direct link #194776
 20 Photo like | 11 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 520   Species 11 
Requests of user riesenschwirlCalendar2020-05-28 20:07 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 6517 Mannheim-Südost (BA) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-05-28
Gemeiner Einhornkäfer Notoxus monoceros, Anthicidae, 28.05.2020, 5 mm etwa, mich wundert, KI kennt den nicht? Oha, zudem muss es hier Ölkäfer geben, wo die sind sollte es die geben;-) Auf Eselsdistel zurück gesetzt... H. G.
Species, family:
Requests for species Notoxus trifasciatus  Requests for family Anthicidae
  Hallo riesenschwirl, Scherzkeks, guck mal genau hin: Das ist der ungleich seltenere Notoxus trifasciatus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph :D
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 20:11

# 194777
Direct link #194777
 3 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,394   Species 284 
Requests of user KDCalendar2020-05-28 20:09 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5617 Usingen (HS) New species
Calendar 2020-05-28
28.5.20, Apoderus coryli!
Species, family:
Requests for species Apoderus coryli  Requests for family Attelabidae
  Hallo KD, bestätigt als Apoderus coryli. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 20:09

User photo 194621
Thumbnail 194621 A
Thumbnail 194621 B
Thumbnail 194621 C
# 194621
Direct link #194621
 1 Photo like | 0 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 71   Species 77 
Requests of user Naturbursche08Calendar2020-05-28 13:36 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 6629 Ansbach Nord (BN) New species
Calendar 2020-05-28
28.05.2020 KL ca. 12mm
Species, family:
Requests for species Melandrya caraboides  Requests for family Melandryidae
  Hallo Naturbursche08, das sollte Melandrya caraboides sein. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 20:09

User photo 194694
Thumbnail 194694 A
Thumbnail 194694 B
Thumbnail 194694 C
# 194694
Direct link #194694
 1 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,737 
Requests of user ChristineCalendar2020-05-28 17:42 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8335 Lenggries (BS) No admission
Calendar 2020-05-27
Liebes Kerbtierteam, einer von den schwierigen Schnellkäfern, ist es evtl. Melanotus rufipes? 20 mm, 27.05.2020, Jachenau, 710 üNN. Vielen Dank und Gruß Christine
Species, family:
Requests for species Melanotus rufipes/castanipes  Requests for family Elateridae
  Hallo Christine, das ist entweder Melanotus rufipes oder Melanotus castanipes, die ich an den vorliegenden Fotos leider nicht trennen kann. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 20:07

User photo 194698
Thumbnail 194698 A
Thumbnail 194698 B
# 194698
Direct link #194698
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,739   Species 237 
Requests of user ChristineCalendar2020-05-28 17:44 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8335 Lenggries (BS) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-05-27
Phyllobius arborator Jachenau 7 mm, 27.05.2020, Jachenau, 710 üNN. Vielen Dank und Gruß Christine
Species, family:
Requests for species Phyllobius arborator  Requests for family Curculionidae
  Hallo Christine, bestätigt als Phyllobius arborator. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 20:07

User photo 194772
Thumbnail 194772 A
Thumbnail 194772 B
# 194772
Direct link #194772
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 212   Species 1,150 
Requests of user podicepscristatusCalendar2020-05-28 20:00 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 2326 Fuhlsbüttel (SH) Admission
Calendar 2020-05-28
(KI: Athous haemorrhoidalis, 2%, Rang 5), 28.05.2020, gut 1 cm lang, auf Haselnussstrauch im Garten.
Species, family:
Requests for species Athous haemorrhoidalis  Requests for family Elateridae
  Hallo podicepscristatus, bestätigt als Athous haemorrhoidalis. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 20:06

User photo 194773
Thumbnail 194773 A
Thumbnail 194773 B
Thumbnail 194773 C
# 194773
Direct link #194773
 2 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 198   Species 93 
Requests of user Curculio14Calendar2020-05-28 20:01 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 3545 Berlin-Zehlendorf (BR) Admission
Calendar 2020-05-26
gefunden am 26.5.2020 an stockrose, etwa 3-4mm
Species, family:
Requests for species Aspidapion radiolus  Requests for family Apionidae
  Hallo Curculio14, das ist Aspidapion radiolus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 20:06

User photo 194774
Thumbnail 194774 A
Thumbnail 194774 B
Thumbnail 194774 C
# 194774
Direct link #194774
 1 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 254   Species 474 
Requests of user KakipeteCalendar2020-05-28 20:01 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 2125 Kaltenkirchen (SH) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-05-28
28.05.2020 ca 10mm auf Distel am Teich. Larinus turbinatus? Vielen Dank und schöne Grüße
Species, family:
Requests for species Larinus turbinatus  Requests for family Curculionidae
  Hallo Kakipete, bestätigt als Larinus turbinatus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 20:06

User photo 194775
Thumbnail 194775 A
Thumbnail 194775 B
# 194775
Direct link #194775
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 583   Species 109 
Requests of user DiogenesCalendar2020-05-28 20:01 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 6310 Baumholder (RH) New species
Calendar 2020-05-28
Hallo, 28.05.2020, ein Prachtkäfer auf dem Bärenbachtalweg bei Baumholder, der hier durch eine Baumhecke führt, Agrilus cyanescens, ca. 6mm? Der Fund an Lonicera würde auch passen. Vielen Dank und LG.
Species, family:
Requests for species Agrilus cyanescens  Requests for family Buprestidae
  Hallo Diogenes, bestätigt als Agrilus cyanescens. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 20:06

User photo 66449
Thumbnail 66449 A
Thumbnail 66449 B
# 66449
Direct link #66449
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,474   Species 3 
Requests of user ChristineCalendar2017-05-12 21:01 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8135 Sachsenkam (BS) New species
Calendar 2017-05-11
Den hab ich nicht gefunden, auf Weide 2,5 mm, Moorgebiert nahe Rothenrain bei Königsdorf, 630 üNN, 11.05.2017. Vielen Dank und Gruß Christine
Species, family:
Requests for species Tachyerges decoratus  Requests for family Curculionidae
  Hallo Christine, das ist Rhynchaenus rusci. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph   Auch hier kommt es zur späten Korrektur: Das ist Tachyerges decoratus. Sorry & LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 20:05

# 113919
Direct link #113919
 3 Photo like | 3 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 2,994   Species 10 
Requests of user ChristineCalendar2018-11-02 16:46 User dashboard
Country, date (discovery):
Requests from country Slovenia  Calendar 2018-06-15
Rhynchaenus rusci 2,5 mm Weide, Bohinj, Stara Fužina, 550 üNN. 15.06.2018. Viele Grüße Christine
Species, family:
Requests for species Tachyerges decoratus  Requests for family Curculionidae
  Hallo Christine, bestätigt als Rhynchaenus rusci. LG, Christoph   Hier kommt es zur späten Korrektur: Das ist Tachyerges decoratus. Sorry & LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 20:05

# 194704
Direct link #194704
 2 Photo like | 3 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,744   Species 20 
Requests of user ChristineCalendar2020-05-28 17:49 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8335 Lenggries (BS) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-05-27
Rhynchaenus rusci 27.05.2020, Jachenau, 710 üNN. Vielen Dank und Gruß Christine
Species, family:
Requests for species Tachyerges decoratus  Requests for family Curculionidae
  Hallo Christine, das ist Tachyerges decoratus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph - PS: Scheibenkleister, jetzt habe ich gerade ein paar Fehlbestimmungen bei uns entdeckt... ich bieg das gleich mal hin... *seufz*
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 20:04

User photo 194770
Thumbnail 194770 A
Thumbnail 194770 B
# 194770
Direct link #194770
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 36   Species 579 
Requests of user BamfeldCalendar2020-05-28 19:59 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 3817 Bünde (WF) New species
Calendar 2020-05-28
28.05.2020, Länge ca 10mm Cantharidae----? Vielen Dank
Species, family:
Requests for species Cantharis livida  Requests for family Cantharidae
  Hallo Bamfeld, das ist Cantharis livida. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 19:59

# 194709
Direct link #194709
 3 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,748   Species 214 
Requests of user ChristineCalendar2020-05-28 17:53 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8335 Lenggries (BS) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-05-27
Gonioctena viminalis 27.05.2020, Jachenau, 710 üNN. Vielen Dank und Gruß Christine
Species, family:
Requests for species Gonioctena viminalis  Requests for family Chrysomelidae
  Hallo Christine, bestätigt als Gonioctena viminalis. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 19:59

User photo 194711
Thumbnail 194711 A
Thumbnail 194711 B
# 194711
Direct link #194711
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,750   Species 43 
Requests of user ChristineCalendar2020-05-28 17:54 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8335 Lenggries (BS) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-05-27
Luperus longicornis auf Birke, 27.05.2020, Jachenau, 710 üNN. Vielen Dank und Gruß Christine
Species, family:
Requests for species Luperus longicornis  Requests for family Chrysomelidae
  Hallo Christine, bestätigt als Luperus longicornis. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 19:58

# 194713
Direct link #194713
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,752 
Requests of user ChristineCalendar2020-05-28 17:56 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8335 Lenggries (BS) No admission
Calendar 2020-05-27
Oedemera tristis? 9 mm 27.05.2020, Jachenau, 710 üNN. Vielen Dank und Gruß Christine
Species, family:
Requests for species Oedemera sp.  Requests for family Oedemeridae
  Hallo Christine, hier geht es für mich leider nur bis zur Gattung Oedemera. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 19:58

User photo 194714
Thumbnail 194714 A
Thumbnail 194714 B
# 194714
Direct link #194714
 3 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,753   Species 90 
Requests of user ChristineCalendar2020-05-28 17:57 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8335 Lenggries (BS) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-05-27
Otiorhynchus geniculatus 27.05.2020, Jachenau, 710 üNN. Vielen Dank und Gruß Christine
Species, family:
Requests for species Otiorhynchus geniculatus  Requests for family Curculionidae
  Hallo Christine, bestätigt als Otiorhynchus geniculatus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 19:58

User photo 194716
Thumbnail 194716 A
Thumbnail 194716 B
# 194716
Direct link #194716
 2 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,755   Species 73 
Requests of user ChristineCalendar2020-05-28 18:00 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8335 Lenggries (BS) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-05-27
Welche Art isr dies? 3,2 mm auf Braunwurz 27.05.2020, Jachenau, 710 üNN. Vielen Dank und Gruß Christine
Species, family:
Requests for species Hermaeophaga mercurialis  Requests for family Chrysomelidae
  Hallo Christine, das ist Hermaeophaga mercurialis. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 19:57

# 194718
Direct link #194718
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,756 
Requests of user ChristineCalendar2020-05-28 18:02 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8335 Lenggries (BS) No admission
Calendar 2020-05-27
Den weiß ich auch nicht, 3,2 mm auf Buche 27.05.2020, Jachenau, 710 üNN. Vielen Dank und Gruß Christine
Species, family:
Requests for species Malthinini sp.  Requests for family Cantharidae
  Hallo Christine, hier geht es für mich leider nur bis zur Tribus Malthinini. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 19:55

# 194720
Direct link #194720
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 319   Species 56 
Requests of user cilkoCalendar2020-05-28 18:03 User dashboard
Country, date (discovery):
Requests from country Slovakia  Calendar 2020-05-16
Hi, size 4-6mm, 16.5.2020, Slovakia, thanks
Species, family:
Requests for species Xestobium plumbeum  Requests for family Anobiidae
  Hi cilko, this is Xestobium plumbeum. Best regards, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 19:55

# 194723
Direct link #194723
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,759   Species 1,149 
Requests of user ChristineCalendar2020-05-28 18:04 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8335 Lenggries (BS) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-05-27
Athous haemorrhoidalis 12 mm, 27.05.2020, Jachenau, 710 üNN. Vielen Dank und Gruß Christine
Species, family:
Requests for species Athous haemorrhoidalis  Requests for family Elateridae
  Hallo Christine, bestätigt als Athous haemorrhoidalis. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 19:52

# 194724
Direct link #194724
 2 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,760   Species 167 
Requests of user ChristineCalendar2020-05-28 18:05 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8335 Lenggries (BS) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-05-27
Ctenicera pectinicornis 27.05.2020, Jachenau, 710 üNN. Vielen Dank und Gruß Christine
Species, family:
Requests for species Ctenicera pectinicornis  Requests for family Elateridae
  Hallo Christine, bestätigt als Ctenicera pectinicornis. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 19:52

User photo 194725
Thumbnail 194725 A
Thumbnail 194725 B
# 194725
Direct link #194725
 3 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,761   Species 39 
Requests of user ChristineCalendar2020-05-28 18:06 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8335 Lenggries (BS) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-05-27
Rhynchaenus lonicerae auf Heckenkirsche, 27.05.2020, Jachenau, 710 üNN. Vielen Dank und Gruß Christine
Species, family:
Requests for species Rhynchaenus lonicerae  Requests for family Curculionidae
  Hallo Christine, bestätigt als Rhynchaenus lonicerae. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 19:51

# 194727
Direct link #194727
 2 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,762   Species 254 
Requests of user ChristineCalendar2020-05-28 18:07 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8335 Lenggries (BS) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-05-27
Pyrrhalta viburni Larven auf Schneeball, 27.05.2020, Jachenau, 710 üNN. Vielen Dank und Gruß Christine
Species, family:
Requests for species Pyrrhalta viburni  Requests for family Chrysomelidae
  Hallo Christine, bestätigt als Pyrrhalta viburni. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-05-28 19:51

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Distribution map
 Map sheet: -
Catalogue status

Flagged stages in request # 

Photo A Photo B Photo C

The uploaded photos show the following stages:



Correction will be applied to the database once released by the admin team.