View answered requests for beetle ID

On this page you can find photos submitted by users from the start in 2012 till the shutdown in 2023. If possible, the species are identified by the ID team. Sometimes determination by photo only is impossible, in this case a hint on family and genus and potential species will be given.

Requests with likes

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User photo 312627
Thumbnail 312627 A
Thumbnail 312627 B
Thumbnail 312627 C
# 312627
Direct link #312627
 12 Photo like | 3 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,907   Species 2 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:30 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) New species
Calendar 2021-07-06
Hylis cariniceps. Ein weiterer veritabler Liebling. Es war nicht möglich, die Tarsen vernünftig zu fotografieren, aber es ist für eine Artbestimmung wirklich nicht nötig. H. cariniceps hat im Vergleich zu den anderen Arten einen matteren Halsschild und Kopf und einen stärkeren Kopfkiel. Im Laubwald, ca. 4,7mm. 06.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Hylis cariniceps  Requests for family Eucnemidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Hylis cariniceps. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:17

User photo 312629
Thumbnail 312629 A
Thumbnail 312629 B
Thumbnail 312629 C
# 312629
Direct link #312629
 10 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,909 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:32 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) No admission
Calendar 2021-07-06
Kissophagus hederae. Auf Efeu, ca. 2,4mm. 06.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Kissophagus sp.  Requests for family Scolytidae
  Hallo zimorodek, hier geht es für mich leider nur bis zur Gattung Kissophagus. In Foto B ist der Halsschild breiter als lang, bei hederae gibt die Literatur länger als breit an. Ich tenndiere zu novaki, bleibe aber unsicher. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:15

# 312622
Direct link #312622
 1 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 2,186   Species 82 
Requests of user GiselaCalendar2021-12-22 18:26 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 7219 Weil der Stadt (WT) Admission
Calendar 2021-12-22
22.12.21 Kleine Schlafgruppe unter der einzigen etwas abstehenden, lösbaren Rindenschuppe an liegendem Baumstammrest 5 mm Nahe Merklinger Forsthof Tetratoma fungorum Danke für eine Bestätigung
Species, family:
Requests for species Tetratoma fungorum  Requests for family Tetratomidae
  Hallo Gisela, bestätigt als Tetratoma fungorum. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:10

User photo 312620
Thumbnail 312620 A
Thumbnail 312620 B
# 312620
Direct link #312620
 2 Photo like | 0 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 101 
Requests of user JörgCalendar2021-12-22 18:20 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 1938 Rostock (MV) No admission
Calendar 2021-12-16
16.12.21, ca. 3mm, dieser Erdfloh sonnte sich auf Totholz, feuchte Wiese, Erlen, Weiden, Vielleicht klappt es hier zur Art? Euch liebe Grüße Jörg
Species, family:
Requests for species Altica sp.  Requests for family Chrysomelidae
  Hallo Jörg, hier geht es für mich leider nur bis zur Gattung Altica. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:09

User photo 312621
Thumbnail 312621 A
Thumbnail 312621 B
Thumbnail 312621 C
# 312621
Direct link #312621
 6 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,902   Species 926 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:26 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) New time horizon
Calendar 2021-07-01
Cantharis livida, mehrere Individuen. Die trieben sich fast überall herum. 01.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Cantharis livida  Requests for family Cantharidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Cantharis livida. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:09

User photo 312623
Thumbnail 312623 A
Thumbnail 312623 B
Thumbnail 312623 C
# 312623
Direct link #312623
 13 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,903   Species 26 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:27 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) New species
Calendar 2021-07-01
Bruchidius imbricornis. Offenbar viele Käfer auf Geißraute, aber wahrscheinlich wegen des ziemlich kalten Wetters und leichten Regens zumeist zwischen den Blüten versteckt. Ca. 2,5mm. 01.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Bruchidius imbricornis  Requests for family Bruchidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Bruchidius imbricornis. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:09

User photo 312628
Thumbnail 312628 A
Thumbnail 312628 B
Thumbnail 312628 C
# 312628
Direct link #312628
 7 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,908   Species 1 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:31 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) New species
Calendar 2021-07-06
Hemicoelus canaliculatus (Anobium nitidum). Auf einer Hainbuche, ca. 3,2mm. 06.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Anobium nitidum  Requests for family Anobiidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Anobium nitidum. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:09

User photo 312619
Thumbnail 312619 A
Thumbnail 312619 B
Thumbnail 312619 C
# 312619
Direct link #312619
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 2,185   Species 561 
Requests of user GiselaCalendar2021-12-22 18:20 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 7219 Weil der Stadt (WT) Admission
Calendar 2021-12-22
22.12.21 in Totholz am Walpfadrand -Wald jetzt sehr gefroren- 11 mm Pterostichus oblongopunctatus Danke für eine Bestätigung
Species, family:
Requests for species Pterostichus oblongopunctatus  Requests for family Carabidae
  Hallo Gisela, bestätigt als Pterostichus oblongopunctatus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:09

User photo 312625
Thumbnail 312625 A
Thumbnail 312625 B
Thumbnail 312625 C
# 312625
Direct link #312625
 7 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,905   Species 392 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:28 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) New time horizon
Calendar 2021-07-01
Plagiosterna aenea (Linaeidea aenea). Mehrere Larven auf einer Erle, auf der Agelastica-Larven noch zahlreicher waren. Zwischen 4,5mm und 7,5mm. 01.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Linaeidea aenea  Requests for family Chrysomelidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Linaeidea aenea. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:08

User photo 312630
Thumbnail 312630 A
Thumbnail 312630 B
Thumbnail 312630 C
# 312630
Direct link #312630
 8 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,910   Species 1 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:32 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) New species
Calendar 2021-07-06
Lordithon exoletus. Auf einem Pilz, ca. 4,9mm (RL ca. 2,2mm). 06.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Lordithon exoletus  Requests for family Staphylinidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Lordithon exoletus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:08

User photo 312626
Thumbnail 312626 A
Thumbnail 312626 B
# 312626
Direct link #312626
 7 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,906   Species 127 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:29 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) New time horizon
Calendar 2021-07-01
Drusilla canaliculata. Auf moosigem Boden mit vielen Ameisen, ca. 4,4mm. 01.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Drusilla canaliculata  Requests for family Staphylinidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Drusilla canaliculata. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:08

User photo 312631
Thumbnail 312631 A
Thumbnail 312631 B
# 312631
Direct link #312631
 8 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,911   Species 84 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:32 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) New time horizon
Calendar 2021-07-06
Mesosa nebulosa. Auf einem Laubbaum, ca. 11mm. 06.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Mesosa nebulosa  Requests for family Cerambycidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Mesosa nebulosa. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:07

User photo 312632
Thumbnail 312632 A
Thumbnail 312632 B
# 312632
Direct link #312632
 7 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,912 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:33 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) No admission
Calendar 2021-07-06
Anthaxia quadripunctata wahrscheinlich. Auf Gras, nicht gemessen. 06.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Anthaxia quadripunctata/godeti  Requests for family Buprestidae
  Hallo zimorodek, *seufz* das ist entweder Anthaxia quadripunctata oder Anthaxia godeti, die ich an den vorliegenden Fotos leider nicht trennen kann. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:01

User photo 312633
Thumbnail 312633 A
Thumbnail 312633 B
Thumbnail 312633 C
# 312633
Direct link #312633
 7 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,913   Species 145 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:33 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) Admission
Calendar 2021-07-06
Axinotarsus pulicarius. Auf Gras, ca. 4,0mm. 06.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Axinotarsus pulicarius  Requests for family Malachiidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Axinotarsus pulicarius. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:01

User photo 312634
Thumbnail 312634 A
Thumbnail 312634 B
# 312634
Direct link #312634
 23 Photo like | 8 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,914   Species 14 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:34 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) Admission
Calendar 2021-07-06
Prionocyphon serricornis. In einer großen Baumhöhle einer Hainbuche. Wie schön, auch einmal einen ausgewachsenen Käfer zu treffen! Ca. 4,1mm. 06.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Prionocyphon serricornis  Requests for family Scirtidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Prionocyphon serricornis. Wunderbar! Die sind wirklich super anzuschauen! Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:01

User photo 312635
Thumbnail 312635 A
Thumbnail 312635 B
# 312635
Direct link #312635
 6 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,915   Species 91 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:34 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) Admission
Calendar 2021-07-06
Pyropterus nigroruber. Auf einem Laubbaum, ca. 8mm. 06.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Pyropterus nigroruber  Requests for family Lycidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Pyropterus nigroruber. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:00

User photo 312636
Thumbnail 312636 A
Thumbnail 312636 B
Thumbnail 312636 C
# 312636
Direct link #312636
 8 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,916   Species 288 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:35 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) Admission
Calendar 2021-07-06
Typhaeus typhoeus. Endlich auch einmal ein lebender Geotrupide! Im Laubwald und an einer Schnecke interessiert. Ca. 17mm. 06.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Typhaeus typhoeus  Requests for family Geotrupidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Typhaeus typhoeus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:00

User photo 312637
Thumbnail 312637 A
Thumbnail 312637 B
# 312637
Direct link #312637
 7 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,917   Species 79 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:35 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) New time horizon
Calendar 2021-07-06
Prionychus ater. Auf einer Esche, ca. 12,5mm. 06.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Prionychus ater  Requests for family Alleculidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Prionychus ater. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:00

User photo 312639
Thumbnail 312639 A
Thumbnail 312639 B
Thumbnail 312639 C
# 312639
Direct link #312639
 6 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,919   Species 26 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:38 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) New species
Calendar 2021-07-07
Rhinoncus perpendicularis. Auf Wasserpfeffer, ca. 2,5mm. 07.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Rhinoncus perpendicularis  Requests for family Curculionidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Rhinoncus perpendicularis. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:00

User photo 312640
Thumbnail 312640 A
Thumbnail 312640 B
Thumbnail 312640 C
# 312640
Direct link #312640
 6 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,920   Species 29 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:38 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) New species
Calendar 2021-07-07
Coelostoma orbiculare. Auf Ufervegetation, ca. 4,8mm. 07.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Coelostoma orbiculare  Requests for family Hydrophilidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Coelostoma orbiculare. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:00

# 312641
Direct link #312641
 7 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,921 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:39 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) No admission
Calendar 2021-07-07
Contacyphon sp. (Cyphon sp.) Auf einem Laubbaum, ca. 3,2mm. 07.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Cyphon sp.  Requests for family Scirtidae
  Hallo zimorodek, hier geht es auch für mich leider nur bis zur Gattung Cyphon. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:00

User photo 312642
Thumbnail 312642 A
Thumbnail 312642 B
# 312642
Direct link #312642
 6 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,922   Species 824 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:39 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) New time horizon
Calendar 2021-07-07
Grammoptera ruficornis. Auf Blüten, ca. 5mm. 07.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Grammoptera ruficornis  Requests for family Cerambycidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Grammoptera ruficornis. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 19:00

User photo 312644
Thumbnail 312644 A
Thumbnail 312644 B
# 312644
Direct link #312644
 7 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,924   Species 23 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:41 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) New species
Calendar 2021-07-07
Omosita discoidea. Auf Lauch, ca. 3,3mm. 07.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Omosita discoidea  Requests for family Nitidulidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Omosita discoidea. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 18:59

User photo 312645
Thumbnail 312645 A
Thumbnail 312645 B
# 312645
Direct link #312645
 6 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,925 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:41 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) No admission
Calendar 2021-07-07
Staphylinidae sp. Auf Lauch, ca. 4mm. 07.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Staphylinidae sp.  Requests for family Staphylinidae
  Hallo zimorodek, hier geht es auch für mich leider nur bis zur Familie Staphylinidae. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 18:59

User photo 312646
Thumbnail 312646 A
Thumbnail 312646 B
Thumbnail 312646 C
# 312646
Direct link #312646
 14 Photo like | 3 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 4,926   Species 117 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2021-12-22 18:42 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4905 Grevenbroich (NO) New time horizon
Calendar 2021-07-07
Stenagostus rhombeus. Das Weibchen schien mehrere Eier gleich nebeneinenander in Spalten in der Rinde eines toten Laubbaums zu legen. Ca. 23mm. 07.07.2021
Species, family:
Requests for species Stenagostus rhombeus  Requests for family Elateridae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Stenagostus rhombeus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
Last edited by, on:
Answers from admin CBCalendar2021-12-22 18:59

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Distribution map
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Catalogue status

Flagged stages in request # 

Photo A Photo B Photo C

The uploaded photos show the following stages:



Correction will be applied to the database once released by the admin team.