View answered requests for beetle ID

On this page you can find photos submitted by users from the start in 2012 till the shutdown in 2023. If possible, the species are identified by the ID team. Sometimes determination by photo only is impossible, in this case a hint on family and genus and potential species will be given.

Requests with likes

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# 37351
Direct link #37351
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 103   Species 157 
Requests of user ReimundCalendar2015-11-15 14:18 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4409 Herne (WF) Admission
Calendar 2011-05-25
Hallo zusammen, Meldung von Phyllopertha horticola, NRW, Herten, 25. 5. 2011. VG Angelika/Reimund
Species, family:
Requests for species Phyllopertha horticola  Requests for family Scarabaeidae
  Hallo Reimund, bestätigt als Phyllopertha horticola. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-15 14:37

# 37353
Direct link #37353
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 105   Species 126 
Requests of user ReimundCalendar2015-11-15 14:21 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4310 Datteln (WF) Admission
Calendar 2012-08-11
Hallo zusammen, Meldung von Lagria hirta, NRW, Waltrop, 11. 8. 2012. VG Angelika/Reimund
Species, family:
Requests for species Lagria hirta  Requests for family Lagriidae
  Hallo Reimund, bestätigt als Lagria hirta. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-15 14:37

User photo 37331
Thumbnail 37331 A
Thumbnail 37331 B
# 37331
Direct link #37331
 1 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 197   Species 6 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2015-11-14 17:51 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5303 Roetgen (NO) Admission
Calendar 2015-07-31
Luperus longicornis, 31.07.2015
Species, family:
Requests for species Luperus longicornis  Requests for family Chrysomelidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Luperus longicornis. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-15 08:25

# 37327
Direct link #37327
 1 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 99 
Requests of user ReimundCalendar2015-11-14 13:53 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4310 Datteln (WF) No admission
Calendar 2012-04-28
Hallo zusammen, Meldung von Poecilus cupreus/versicolor, NRW, Waltrop, 28. 4. 2012. VG Angelika/Reimund
Species, family:
Requests for species Poecilus sp.  Requests for family Carabidae
  Hallo Reimund, schwer für mich so von der Seite zu beurteilen. Ich belasse es lieber bei Gattung Poecilus. Es sei denn, einer der Co-Admins traut sich mehr. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-15 08:24

User photo 37299
Thumbnail 37299 A
Thumbnail 37299 B
Thumbnail 37299 C
# 37299
Direct link #37299
 0 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 264   Species 8 
Requests of user HeidiCalendar2015-11-13 17:34 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 3142 Fehrbellin (BR) Admission
Calendar 2015-09-26
Hallo an das Team, das erste Fühlerglied ist hell, gelblich, damit ev. Philonthus cognatus? Der ist etwas über 10 mm groß, saß an einer Brennnesel, am Ufer der Wustrauer Rhin in Fehrbellin, Wildwuchs und Laubbäume herum, 26.09.2015. Lieben Dank und viele Grüße, Heidi
Species, family:
Requests for species Philonthus cognatus  Requests for family Staphylinidae
  Hallo Heidi, ja, das sollte Philonthus cognatus sein. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-15 08:22

User photo 37346
Thumbnail 37346 A
Thumbnail 37346 B
Thumbnail 37346 C
# 37346
Direct link #37346
 1 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 51   Species 207 
Requests of user HubiCalendar2015-11-14 23:28 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4520 Warburg (HS) Admission
Calendar 2015-07-03
Hallo, gefunden am 03.07.2015, auf Kalkmagerrasen, leider keine Ahnung wie groß der Käfer war. Vielen Dank! Gruß Hubi
Species, family:
Requests for species Stenurella melanura  Requests for family Cerambycidae
  Hallo Hubi, das ist Stenurella melanura. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-15 08:21

User photo 37343
Thumbnail 37343 A
Thumbnail 37343 B
Thumbnail 37343 C
# 37343
Direct link #37343
 0 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 725 
Requests of user NeatusCalendar2015-11-14 21:05 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 6016 Groß-Gerau (HS) No admission
Calendar 2015-11-14
14.11.2015 4 mm irgendein Sepedophilus unter Totholz bei uns im Garten
Species, family:
Requests for species Sepedophilus sp.  Requests for family Staphylinidae
  Hallo Neatus, hier geht es leider nur bis zur Gattung Sepedophilus. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-14 22:04

User photo 37345
Thumbnail 37345 A
Thumbnail 37345 B
# 37345
Direct link #37345
 2 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 109   Species 17 
Requests of user CarabusCalendar2015-11-14 21:47 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 7122 Winnenden (WT) Admission
Calendar 2015-11-14
am 14.11.15 fand ich diesen Rüssler am Waldrand zur Streuobstwiese. Er war ca. 6mm groß. Könnt Ihr mir bitte sagen wie der heißt. Vielen Dank.
Species, family:
Requests for species Lepyrus capucinus  Requests for family Curculionidae
  Hallo Carabus, das ist Lepyrus capucinus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-14 22:04

# 37342
Direct link #37342
 2 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 54   Species 11 
Requests of user Klaus NCalendar2015-11-14 18:52 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5924 Gemünden am Main (BN) Admission
Calendar 2015-05-31
Guten Abend, bekommt "der" (trotz Konkurrenz) einen Verbreitungspunkt bei „Melandrya caraboides“? - 31.05.2015 - 230m - Garten (mit viel Totholz) in Ortsrandlage /am Stamm eines Pflaumenbaums - 15mm - Viele Grüße, Klaus
Species, family:
Requests for species Melandrya caraboides  Requests for family Melandryidae
  Hallo Klaus, bestätigt als Melandrya caraboides. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-14 22:03

User photo 37344
Thumbnail 37344 A
Thumbnail 37344 B
# 37344
Direct link #37344
 2 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 726   Species 13 
Requests of user NeatusCalendar2015-11-14 21:07 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 6016 Groß-Gerau (HS) Admission
Calendar 2015-11-14
14.11.2015 4,5 mm Aphodius distinctus
Species, family:
Requests for species Aphodius distinctus  Requests for family Scarabaeidae
  Hallo Neatus, bestätigt als Aphodius distinctus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-14 22:03

User photo 37297
Thumbnail 37297 A
Thumbnail 37297 B
Thumbnail 37297 C
# 37297
Direct link #37297
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 618 
Requests of user markusschoen76Calendar2015-11-13 16:19 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8237 Miesbach (BS) No admission
Calendar 2015-11-13
13.11.2015 im Garten auf meiner Kaffeetasse. 500m üNn. Ca.3mm. Leider nur diese 3 Fotos vorhanden, da er sich dann entschloss von dannen zu fliegen. Wohl einer für den Rüsslerpapst.... ;-)
Species, family:
Requests for species Ceutorhynchus sp.  Requests for family Curculionidae
  Hallo Markus, ich fürchte, hier geht es leider nur bis zur Gattung Ceutorhynchus. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-14 18:21

# 37340
Direct link #37340
 3 Photo like | 3 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 206 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2015-11-14 17:59 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5303 Roetgen (NO) No admission
Calendar 2015-09-30
Das dürfte die Larve von Agelastica alni sein? Ich fand viele davon zusammen mit einigen Imagines auf einer Erle. 8-9mm, 30.09.2015
Species, family:
Requests for species cf. Agelastica alni  Requests for family Chrysomelidae
  Hallo zimorodek, ja, das ist wahrscheinlich die Larve von Agelastica alni. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-14 18:21

# 37326
Direct link #37326
 2 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 98   Species 5 
Requests of user ReimundCalendar2015-11-14 13:51 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4310 Datteln (WF) Admission
Calendar 2012-05-17
Hallo zusammen, Meldung von Agrilus viridis, NRW, Waltrop, 17. 5. 2012. VG Angelika/Reimund
Species, family:
Requests for species Agrilus viridis  Requests for family Buprestidae
  Hallo Reimund, bestätigt als Agrilus viridis. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-14 18:14

User photo 37338
Thumbnail 37338 A
Thumbnail 37338 B
# 37338
Direct link #37338
 2 Photo like | 3 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 204   Species 4 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2015-11-14 17:58 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5303 Roetgen (NO) Admission
Calendar 2015-07-31
Coccinella hieroglyphica. Den habe ich zwar bereits in #36872 für dieses Messtischblatt gemeldet, aber hier noch mal mit anderer Färbung, da es ein so netter Käfer ist. 31.07.2015
Species, family:
Requests for species Coccinella hieroglyphica  Requests for family Coccinellidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Coccinella hieroglyphica. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-14 18:14

# 37334
Direct link #37334
 4 Photo like | 3 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 200   Species 20 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2015-11-14 17:54 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5303 Roetgen (NO) Admission
Calendar 2015-07-31
Asiorestia transversa, 4-4,5mm. 31.07.2015
Species, family:
Requests for species Asiorestia transversa  Requests for family Chrysomelidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Asiorestia transversa. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-14 18:12

# 37333
Direct link #37333
 3 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 199   Species 137 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2015-11-14 17:54 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5303 Roetgen (NO) Admission
Calendar 2015-07-31
Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata, 31.07.2015
Species, family:
Requests for species Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata  Requests for family Coccinellidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-14 18:11

User photo 37335
Thumbnail 37335 A
Thumbnail 37335 B
# 37335
Direct link #37335
 2 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 201   Species 48 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2015-11-14 17:55 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5303 Roetgen (NO) Admission
Calendar 2015-07-31
Calvia decemguttata, 31.07.2015
Species, family:
Requests for species Calvia decemguttata  Requests for family Coccinellidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Calvia decemguttata. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-14 18:11

User photo 37339
Thumbnail 37339 A
Thumbnail 37339 B
Thumbnail 37339 C
# 37339
Direct link #37339
 2 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 205 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2015-11-14 17:59 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5303 Roetgen (NO) No admission
Calendar 2015-07-31
Hemicrepidius sp.? Lief über ein größeres Blatt in der Krautschicht am Wegrand und trommelte dabei mit den Fühlern darauf herum. Was das Verhalten zu bedeuten hat, weiß ich nicht, aber es erinnerte mich an eine Schlupfwespe. 10-11mm, 31.07.2015
Species, family:
Requests for species Hemicrepidius sp.  Requests for family Elateridae
  Hallo zimorodek, yup, hier geht es leider nur bis zur Gattung Hemicrepidius. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-14 18:11

# 37325
Direct link #37325
 1 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 50   Species 47 
Requests of user HubiCalendar2015-11-14 13:41 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4520 Warburg (HS) Admission
Calendar 2015-06-27
Hallo, gefunden am 27.06.2015 im Garten am Licht, 5 mm. Calvia decemguttata? Vielen Dank! Gruß Hubi
Species, family:
Requests for species Calvia decemguttata  Requests for family Coccinellidae
  Hallo Hubi, bestätigt als Calvia decemguttata. Danke für die Meldung. Lg, Lukas
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Answers from admin LLCalendar2015-11-14 14:16

# 37329
Direct link #37329
 2 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 101   Species 237 
Requests of user ReimundCalendar2015-11-14 13:56 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4309 Recklinghausen (WF) Admission
Calendar 2012-03-23
Hallo zusammen, Meldung von Coccinella septempunctata, NRW, Recklinghausen, 23. 3. 2012. VG Angelika/Reimund
Species, family:
Requests for species Coccinella septempunctata  Requests for family Coccinellidae
  Hallo Reimund, bestätigt als Coccinella septempunctata. Danke für die Meldung. Lg, Lukas
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Answers from admin LLCalendar2015-11-14 14:15

# 37328
Direct link #37328
 1 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 100 Crown   Species 141 
Requests of user ReimundCalendar2015-11-14 13:55 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4310 Datteln (WF) Admission
Calendar 2012-05-17
Hallo zusammen, Meldung von Oedemera nobilis, NRW, Waltrop, 17. 5. 2012. VG Angelika/Reimund
Species, family:
Requests for species Oedemera nobilis  Requests for family Oedemeridae
  Hallo Reimund, bestätigt als Oedemera nobilis. Danke für die Meldung. Lg, Lukas
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Answers from admin LLCalendar2015-11-14 14:14

# 37321
Direct link #37321
 2 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 47 
Requests of user HubiCalendar2015-11-14 10:41 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4520 Warburg (HS) No admission
Calendar 2015-07-04
Hallo, Beifang am Licht, 04.07.2015, ca. 5 mm, Wollgras-/Niedermoor bei Schmillinghausen, Mischwald. Vielen Dank! Gruß Hubi
Species, family:
Requests for species Bradycellus cf. harpalinus  Requests for family Carabidae
  Hallo Hubi, das ist wahrscheinlich Bradycellus harpalinus - Sicherheit würde nur ein gut aufgelöstes Foto vom halsschild bringen. Viele Grüße, Fabian
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Answers from admin FBCalendar2015-11-14 13:31

User photo 37324
Thumbnail 37324 A
Thumbnail 37324 B
# 37324
Direct link #37324
 2 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 368 
Requests of user GerKleinCalendar2015-11-14 12:35 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5927 Schweinfurt (BN) No admission
Calendar 2015-11-14
14.11.2015 ca. 2cm lang Hallo zuammen, ist das eine Larve von Cantharis evtl.fusca?? Danke und VG GerKlein
Species, family:
Requests for species Cantharis sp.  Requests for family Cantharidae
  Hallo GerKlein, hier geht es leider nur bis zur Gattung Cantharis. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-14 12:58

User photo 37322
Thumbnail 37322 A
Thumbnail 37322 B
# 37322
Direct link #37322
 2 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 48   Species 37 
Requests of user HubiCalendar2015-11-14 11:23 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4519 Marsberg (WF) Admission
Calendar 2015-08-22
Hallo, gefunden am 22.08.2015 im Mischwald am Köder. Carabus problematicus? Gruß Hubi
Species, family:
Requests for species Carabus problematicus  Requests for family Carabidae
  Hallo Hubi, bestätigt als Carabus problematicus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-14 12:58

# 37323
Direct link #37323
 2 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 49   Species 58 
Requests of user HubiCalendar2015-11-14 11:33 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4519 Marsberg (WF) Admission
Calendar 2015-08-22
Hallo, gefunden am 22.08.2015 im Mischwald am Köder. Carabus auronitens? Vielen Dank! Gruß Hubi
Species, family:
Requests for species Carabus auronitens  Requests for family Carabidae
  Hallo Hubi, bestätigt als Carabus auronitens. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2015-11-14 12:58

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Distribution map
 Map sheet: -
Catalogue status

Flagged stages in request # 

Photo A Photo B Photo C

The uploaded photos show the following stages:



Correction will be applied to the database once released by the admin team.