View answered requests for beetle ID

On this page you can find photos submitted by users from the start in 2012 till the shutdown in 2023. If possible, the species are identified by the ID team. Sometimes determination by photo only is impossible, in this case a hint on family and genus and potential species will be given.

Requests with likes

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# 48895
Direct link #48895
 1 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 35   Species 19 
Requests of user peter aus KahlCalendar2016-06-11 10:33 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5919 Seligenstadt (HS) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-07
7.6.2016, Kahl, Mainufer, 110m. Ein Winzling von ca 2-3mm auf einem Schilfblatt. Ein Mitglied von Anthicidae? Gruß Peter
Species, family:
Requests for species Notoxus monoceros  Requests for family Anthicidae
  Hallo Peter, ja und es ist Notoxus monoceros. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:38

# 48892
Direct link #48892
 0 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 15 
Requests of user robbeCalendar2016-06-11 10:28 User dashboard
Country, date (discovery):
Requests from country Belgium  Calendar  No discovery dateNo date of discovery found. Please contact webmaster!
on light
Species, family:
Requests for species Lyctus sp.  Requests for family Lyctidae
  Hi Robbe, in this case we can just determine the genus Lyctus. Best regards, Christoph - PS: May I ask you to provide more information with your inquiries? Date of discovery, size (estimated or measured), type of habitat, etc. as mentioned on the submission page. Thanks.
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:31

# 48886
Direct link #48886
 2 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 370   Species 74 
Requests of user PassarelliCalendar2016-06-11 10:19 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 7624 Schelklingen (WT) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-09
09.06.2016, Hausen ob Allmendingen, Buschreihen mit Krautschicht, auf Wiesenkerbel, 545m üNN, ca. 12mm; Strangalia aethiops?
Species, family:
Requests for species Stenurella nigra  Requests for family Cerambycidae
  Hallo Passarelli, das ist Stenurella nigra, man sieht gerade noch die Spitze des roten Abdomens. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:27

# 48888
Direct link #48888
 0 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,294 
Requests of user AppiusCalendar2016-06-11 10:22 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5914 Eltville am Rhein (HS) No admission
Calendar 2016-06-10
Weinberge oberhalb Oestrich, nördlich Kloster Gottesthal, Totfund auf Wirtschaftsweg, ca. 190 m NN, 10.06.2016. Größe ca. 1 cm.
Species, family:
Requests for species Harpalus sp.  Requests for family Carabidae
  Hallo Appius, hier geht es leider nur noch bis zur Gattung Harpalus. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:27

# 48889
Direct link #48889
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 830   Species 30 
Requests of user KalliCalendar2016-06-11 10:24 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 6217 Zwingenberg (HS) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-09
9.6.16, 4 mm, auf einer Weide am Rand des Rheintals, sollte Plagiodera versicolora sein. Danke und viele Grüße
Species, family:
Requests for species Plagiodera versicolora  Requests for family Chrysomelidae
  Hallo Kalli, bestätigt als Plagiodera versicolora. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:26

User photo 48881
Thumbnail 48881 A
Thumbnail 48881 B
# 48881
Direct link #48881
 0 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 828 
Requests of user KalliCalendar2016-06-11 10:12 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 6217 Zwingenberg (HS) No admission
Calendar 2016-06-09
9.6.16, 2.5 mm, im Odenwald an Waldrand. Phyllotreta sp. und mehr geht nicht, oder kann man evtl. Ph. nigripes festmachen (Fühlerglieder, Punktierung)? Schönen Dank und viele Grüße
Species, family:
Requests for species Phyllotreta sp.  Requests for family Chrysomelidae
  Hallo Kalli, puh, hier geht es für mich leider auch nur bis zur Gattung Phyllotreta. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:17

User photo 48883
Thumbnail 48883 A
Thumbnail 48883 B
# 48883
Direct link #48883
 1 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,292   Species 32 
Requests of user AppiusCalendar2016-06-11 10:13 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5914 Eltville am Rhein (HS) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-10
Wald oberhalb Oestricher Weinberge, nördlich Kühns Mühle, ca. 290 m NN, 10.06.2016. Größe ca. 4 mm. Bei Eiablage an Schnittfläche von Eichenstamm; Ptilinus pectinicornis, nehme ich an.
Species, family:
Requests for species Ptilinus pectinicornis  Requests for family Anobiidae
  Hallo Appius, Ptilinus pectinicornis sollte passen. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:16

# 48884
Direct link #48884
 0 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 369   Species 41 
Requests of user PassarelliCalendar2016-06-11 10:15 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 7624 Schelklingen (WT) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-09
09.06.2016, Hausen ob Allmendingen, Buschreihen mit Kruatschicht, auf Wiesenkerbel, 556m üNN, ca. 25mm; Stenocorus meridianus?
Species, family:
Requests for species Stenocorus meridianus  Requests for family Cerambycidae
  Hallo Passarelli, bestätigt als Stenocorus meridianus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:16

User photo 48877
Thumbnail 48877 A
Thumbnail 48877 B
# 48877
Direct link #48877
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,289 
Requests of user AppiusCalendar2016-06-11 10:07 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5914 Eltville am Rhein (HS) No admission
Calendar 2016-06-10
Wald oberhalb Oestricher Weinberge, nördlich Kühns Mühle, ca. 230 m NN, 10.06.2016. Laubwald, unter Stein, nahe Bach. Größe 4,0 mm. Asaphidion flavipes?
Species, family:
Requests for species Asaphidion sp.  Requests for family Carabidae
  Hallo Appius, Gattung Asaphidion ist korrekt. Ein Vetreter der flavipes-Gruppe, die sicher meist nur am Aedoeagus des Männchens unterschieden werden können. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:16

# 48882
Direct link #48882
 0 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 368   Species 114 
Requests of user PassarelliCalendar2016-06-11 10:12 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 7624 Schelklingen (WT) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-09
09.06.2016, Hausen ob Allmendingen, Buschreihen mit Krautschicht, auf Wiesenkerbel, 546m üNN, ca. 14mm; Pyrochroa serraticornis?
Species, family:
Requests for species Pyrochroa serraticornis  Requests for family Pyrochroidae
  Hallo Passarelli, bestätigt als Pyrochroa serraticornis. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:12

# 48875
Direct link #48875
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 14 
Requests of user robbeCalendar2016-06-11 10:06 User dashboard
Country, date (discovery):
Requests from country Belgium  Calendar  No discovery dateNo date of discovery found. Please contact webmaster!
on light
Species, family:
Requests for species Tenebrio sp.  Requests for family Tenebrionidae
  Hi Robbe, in this case we can just determine the genus Tenebrio. Best regards, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:12

# 48876
Direct link #48876
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 366   Species 202 
Requests of user PassarelliCalendar2016-06-11 10:07 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 7624 Schelklingen (WT) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-09
09.06.2016, Hausen ob Allmendingen, Buschreihen mit Krautschicht, auf Holunderstrauch, 548m üNN, ca. 12mm; Phyllopertha horticola ?
Species, family:
Requests for species Phyllopertha horticola  Requests for family Scarabaeidae
  Hallo Passarelli, bestätigt als Phyllopertha horticola. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:12

# 48878
Direct link #48878
 0 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,290   Species 308 
Requests of user AppiusCalendar2016-06-11 10:09 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5914 Eltville am Rhein (HS) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-10
Wald oberhalb Oestricher Weinberge, nördlich Kühns Mühle, ca. 230 m NN, 10.06.2016. Natürlich allgegenwärtig, besonders da, wo's stinkt: Anoplotrupes stercorosus
Species, family:
Requests for species Anoplotrupes stercorosus  Requests for family Geotrupidae
  Hallo Appius, bestätigt als Anoplotrupes stercorosus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:12

# 48879
Direct link #48879
 2 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 367   Species 30 
Requests of user PassarelliCalendar2016-06-11 10:09 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 7624 Schelklingen (WT) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-09
09.06.2016, Hausen ob Allmendingen, Buschreihen mit Krautschicht, 545m üNN, ca. 15mm; Phytoecia nigripes?
Species, family:
Requests for species Phytoecia nigripes  Requests for family Cerambycidae
  Hallo Passarelli, bestätigt als Phytoecia nigripes. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:11

# 48880
Direct link #48880
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,291   Species 31 
Requests of user AppiusCalendar2016-06-11 10:11 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5914 Eltville am Rhein (HS) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-10
Felder oberhalb Oestricher Weinberge, nördlich Kühns Mühle, ca. 250 m NN, 10.06.2016. An Spargel: Crioceris asparagi
Species, family:
Requests for species Crioceris asparagi  Requests for family Chrysomelidae
  Hallo Appius, bestätigt als Crioceris asparagi. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:11

# 48874
Direct link #48874
 0 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 365   Species 172 
Requests of user PassarelliCalendar2016-06-11 10:04 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 7624 Schelklingen (WT) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-09
09.06.2016, Hausen ob Allmendingen, Buschreihen mit Krautschicht, auf Wiesenkerbel, 548m üNN, ca. 10mm; Cantharis nigricans?
Species, family:
Requests for species Cantharis nigricans  Requests for family Cantharidae
  Hallo Passarelli, bestätigt als Cantharis nigricans. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 10:04

# 48871
Direct link #48871
 0 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,286   Species 89 
Requests of user AppiusCalendar2016-06-11 09:52 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5914 Eltville am Rhein (HS) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-10
Wald oberhalb Oestricher Weinberge, nördlich Kloster Gottesthal, ca. 230 m NN, 10.06.2016. Cerambyx scopolii
Species, family:
Requests for species Cerambyx scopolii  Requests for family Cerambycidae
  Hallo Appius, bestätigt als Cerambyx scopolii. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin FBCalendar2016-06-11 10:03

# 48873
Direct link #48873
 0 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,288   Species 24 
Requests of user AppiusCalendar2016-06-11 09:58 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5914 Eltville am Rhein (HS) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-10
Wald oberhalb Oestricher Weinberge, nördlich Kühns Mühle, ca. 230 m NN, 10.06.2016. Größe 6 mm; Obrium brunneum, nehme ich an.
Species, family:
Requests for species Obrium brunneum  Requests for family Cerambycidae
  Hallo Appius, bestätigt als Obrium brunneum. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 09:59

User photo 48864
Thumbnail 48864 A
Thumbnail 48864 B
# 48864
Direct link #48864
 0 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,280   Species 6 
Requests of user AppiusCalendar2016-06-11 09:44 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5914 Eltville am Rhein (HS) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-10
Oestricher Weinberge nördlich Kloster Gottesthal, ca. 200 m NN, 10.06.2016. Von Eiche geklopft, Größe 2,0 mm.
Species, family:
Requests for species Curculio pyrrhoceras  Requests for family Curculionidae
  Hallo Appius, das ist Curculio pyrrhoceras mit dem roten Fühlerschaft und von Eichen kommend. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 09:57

# 48872
Direct link #48872
 0 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,287   Species 124 
Requests of user AppiusCalendar2016-06-11 09:56 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5914 Eltville am Rhein (HS) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-10
Wald oberhalb Oestricher Weinberge, nördlich Kühns Mühle, ca. 230 m NN, 10.06.2016. Byturus ochraceus, nehme ich an.
Species, family:
Requests for species Byturus ochraceus  Requests for family Byturidae
  Hallo Appius, bestätigt als Byturus ochraceus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 09:56

# 48865
Direct link #48865
 0 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 2,329   Species 201 
Requests of user BergmänndleCalendar2016-06-11 09:45 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 8627 Einödsbach (BS) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-10
10.06.2016 Höllwies ca. 810m (Belegbild) Phyllopertha horticola an Schlangenknöterich
Species, family:
Requests for species Phyllopertha horticola  Requests for family Scarabaeidae
  Hallo Bergmänndle, bestätigt als Phyllopertha horticola. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 09:56

# 48866
Direct link #48866
 2 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,281   Species 154 
Requests of user AppiusCalendar2016-06-11 09:45 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5914 Eltville am Rhein (HS) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-10
Oestricher Weinberge nördlich Kloster Gottesthal, ca. 200 m NN, 10.06.2016. Clytus arietis
Species, family:
Requests for species Clytus arietis  Requests for family Cerambycidae
  Hallo Appius, bestätigt als Clytus arietis. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 09:56

# 48867
Direct link #48867
 2 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,282   Species 16 
Requests of user AppiusCalendar2016-06-11 09:48 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5914 Eltville am Rhein (HS) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-10
Oestricher Weinberge nördlich Kloster Gottesthal, ca. 200 m NN, 10.06.2016. Von Eiche geklopft, Größe 4-5 mm, Ptinus rufipes, nehme ich an.
Species, family:
Requests for species Ptinus rufipes  Requests for family Ptinidae
  Hallo Appius, bestätigt als Ptinus rufipes. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 09:56

# 48868
Direct link #48868
 0 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,283   Species 54 
Requests of user AppiusCalendar2016-06-11 09:49 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5914 Eltville am Rhein (HS) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-10
Oestricher Weinberge nördlich Kloster Gottesthal, ca. 200 m NN, 10.06.2016. Von Eiche geklopft; Curculio venosus, nehme ich an.
Species, family:
Requests for species Curculio venosus  Requests for family Curculionidae
  Hallo Appius, bestätigt als Curculio venosus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 09:52

# 48869
Direct link #48869
 1 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 1,284   Species 5 
Requests of user AppiusCalendar2016-06-11 09:50 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 5914 Eltville am Rhein (HS) Admission
Calendar 2016-06-10
Oestricher Weinberge nördlich Kloster Gottesthal, ca. 200 m NN, 10.06.2016. Von Eiche geklopft, Rhynchaenus signifer, nehme ich an.
Species, family:
Requests for species Rhynchaenus signifer  Requests for family Curculionidae
  Hallo Appius, bestätigt als Rhynchaenus signifer. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
Last edited by, on:
Answers from admin CBCalendar2016-06-11 09:52

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Photo A Photo B Photo C

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Correction will be applied to the database once released by the admin team.