View answered requests for beetle ID

On this page you can find photos submitted by users from the start in 2012 till the shutdown in 2023. If possible, the species are identified by the ID team. Sometimes determination by photo only is impossible, in this case a hint on family and genus and potential species will be given.

Requests with likes

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User photo 236081
Thumbnail 236081 A
Thumbnail 236081 B
Thumbnail 236081 C
# 236081
Direct link #236081
 2 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 633   Species 40 
Requests of user HeidiCalendar2020-11-24 17:25 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 2942 Zühlen (BR) New species
Calendar 2020-07-04
Hallo an das Käferteam, passt hier Cryptocephalus nitidus? Knapp 4 mm, gemessen, saß an einem Laubstrauch, Feld, Wildwuchs, kleine Laubbäumchen, Wald in der Nähe, 04.07.2020. Lieben Dank und viele Grüße, Heidi
Species, family:
Requests for species Cryptocephalus nitidus  Requests for family Chrysomelidae
  Hallo Heidi, bestätigt als Cryptocephalus nitidus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-11-24 20:54

User photo 236111
Thumbnail 236111 A
Thumbnail 236111 B
# 236111
Direct link #236111
 13 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 3,937   Species 15 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2020-11-24 20:10 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4805 Korschenbroich (NO) New species
Calendar 2020-06-18
Cryptophilus propinquus (Cryptophilus integer). An Getreideabfällen, ca. 2,4mm. 18.06.2020 Danke!
Species, family:
Requests for species Cryptophilus integer  Requests for family Languriidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Cryptophilus integer. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-11-24 20:53

User photo 236082
Thumbnail 236082 A
Thumbnail 236082 B
Thumbnail 236082 C
# 236082
Direct link #236082
 2 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 634   Species 38 
Requests of user HeidiCalendar2020-11-24 17:31 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 2942 Zühlen (BR) New species
Calendar 2020-07-05
Hallo an das Käferteam, Cryptocephalus fulvus? Saß an Beifuß, Feld, Wildwuchs, kleine Laubbäumchen, Wald in der Nähe, 05.07.2020. Lieben Dank und viele Grüße, Heidi
Species, family:
Requests for species Cryptocephalus fulvus  Requests for family Chrysomelidae
  Hallo Heidi, bestätigt als Cryptocephalus fulvus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-11-24 20:52

# 236093
Direct link #236093
 6 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 3,919   Species 59 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2020-11-24 19:55 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4805 Korschenbroich (NO) New species
Calendar 2020-06-01
Prionychus ater. Auf Totholz, ca. 12mm. 01.06.2020
Species, family:
Requests for species Prionychus ater  Requests for family Alleculidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Prionychus ater. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-11-24 20:52

User photo 236090
Thumbnail 236090 A
Thumbnail 236090 B
Thumbnail 236090 C
# 236090
Direct link #236090
 20 Photo like | 4 Comment like | 1 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 3,916   Species 5 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2020-11-24 19:54 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4805 Korschenbroich (NO) New species
Calendar 2020-06-01
Teredus cylindricus 😌 Damit kein falscher Eindruck aufkommt: auch wenn ich die Art nun sogar aus einem dritten Messtischblatt melde, soll man nicht meinen, dass diese wundervollen Käfer in meiner Gegend häufig wären. Die Begegnung in diesem MTB ist aus meiner Sicht extrem erstaunlich und die Käfer kommen jeweils nur auf kleinem, wenn nicht kleinstem, Raum an den sehr wenigen geeigneten Orten vor. Auf einem alten Laubbaum, ca. 4mm. 01.06.2020
Species, family:
Requests for species Teredus cylindricus  Requests for family Bothrideridae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Teredus cylindricus. Nice! Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph :)
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-11-24 20:51

User photo 236095
Thumbnail 236095 A
Thumbnail 236095 B
# 236095
Direct link #236095
 13 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 3,921   Species 90 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2020-11-24 19:58 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4805 Korschenbroich (NO) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-06-01
Rusticoclytus rusticus (Xylotrechus rusticus). Auf einem alten Laubbaum, ca. 13mm. 01.06.2020
Species, family:
Requests for species Xylotrechus rusticus  Requests for family Cerambycidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Xylotrechus rusticus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-11-24 20:51

# 236080
Direct link #236080
 2 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 570 
Requests of user Martin G.Calendar2020-11-24 17:19 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4740 Markkleeberg (SN) No admission
Calendar 2020-11-23
23.11.2020, nachts an Birke, zwei Tiere (an unterschiedlichen Bäumen), ca. 1 cm.
Species, family:
Requests for species Malachius sp.  Requests for family Malachiidae
  Hallo Martin, hier geht es für mich leider nur bis zur Gattung Malachius. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-11-24 20:50

# 236079
Direct link #236079
 2 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 569 
Requests of user Martin G.Calendar2020-11-24 17:18 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4740 Markkleeberg (SN) No admission
Calendar 2020-11-23
23.11.2020. Noch ein 3-mm-Winzling an einer Pappel, Nachtfund.
Species, family:
Requests for species Cyphon sp.  Requests for family Scirtidae
  Hallo Martin, hier geht es für mich leider nur bis zur Gattung Cyphon. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-11-24 20:50

User photo 236065
Thumbnail 236065 A
Thumbnail 236065 B
Thumbnail 236065 C
# 236065
Direct link #236065
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 322 
Requests of user LupoCalendar2020-11-24 15:03 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4013 Warendorf (WF) No admission
Calendar 2020-11-24
24.11.2020, 1-2mm, auf einem Berg-Ahornblatt.
Species, family:
Requests for species Corticariini sp.  Requests for family Latridiidae
  Hallo Lupo, hier geht es für mich leider nur bis zur Tribus Corticariini. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-11-24 20:50

User photo 236097
Thumbnail 236097 A
Thumbnail 236097 B
# 236097
Direct link #236097
 7 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 3,923   Species 4 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2020-11-24 19:58 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4805 Korschenbroich (NO) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-06-01
Pentaphyllus testaceus. Auf einem alten Laubbaum, er hat sich schnell in einer Ritze versteckt, ca. 2,2mm. 01.06.2020
Species, family:
Requests for species Pentaphyllus testaceus  Requests for family Tenebrionidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Pentaphyllus testaceus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-11-24 20:49

User photo 236109
Thumbnail 236109 A
Thumbnail 236109 B
# 236109
Direct link #236109
 6 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 3,935   Species 14 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2020-11-24 20:08 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4805 Korschenbroich (NO) New species
Calendar 2020-06-18
Antherophagus similis (Antherophagus pallens). Auf Johanniskraut, ca. 4,3mm. 18.06.2020
Species, family:
Requests for species Antherophagus pallens  Requests for family Cryptophagidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Antherophagus pallens. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Christoph
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Answers from admin CBCalendar2020-11-24 20:48

# 236066
Direct link #236066
 1 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 422   Species 422 
Requests of user KarolaCalendar2020-11-24 15:39 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4507 Mülheim an der Ruhr (NO) Admission
Calendar 2020-08-06
06.08.2020; ca. 5 mm; Halyzia sedecimguttata
Species, family:
Requests for species Halyzia sedecimguttata  Requests for family Coccinellidae
  Hallo Karola, bestätigt als Halyzia sedecimguttata. Danke für die Meldung. Viele Grüße, Jürgen
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Answers from admin JECalendar2020-11-24 20:45

User photo 236085
Thumbnail 236085 A
Thumbnail 236085 B
Thumbnail 236085 C
# 236085
Direct link #236085
 3 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 387   Species 224 
Requests of user GiselaCalendar2020-11-24 18:05 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 7220 Stuttgart-Südwest (WT) New species
Calendar 2020-11-24
24.11.20 weit neben dem Fußweg an einem liegenden alten Baumrest 24 mm auffallend leicht rötliches Blau
Species, family:
Requests for species Carabus problematicus  Requests for family Carabidae
  Hallo Gisela, das ist Carabus problematicus - sind die nicht hübsch? Danke für die Meldung. Viele Grüße, Jürgen
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Answers from admin JECalendar2020-11-24 20:41

User photo 236088
Thumbnail 236088 A
Thumbnail 236088 B
Thumbnail 236088 C
# 236088
Direct link #236088
 4 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 697   Species 4,093 
Requests of user TommCalendar2020-11-24 19:15 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 7934 Starnberg Nord (BS) Admission
Calendar 2020-11-24
24.11.2020, eine herbstlich bunte Mischung von Harmonia axyridis im Winterquartier. LG, Tomm
Species, family:
Requests for species Harmonia axyridis  Requests for family Coccinellidae
  Hallo Tomm, bestätigt als sehr schickes Ensemble von Harmonia axyridis. Danke für die Meldung. Viele Grüße, Jürgen
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Answers from admin JECalendar2020-11-24 20:38

User photo 236103
Thumbnail 236103 A
Thumbnail 236103 B
# 236103
Direct link #236103
 7 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 3,929   Species 61 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2020-11-24 20:03 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4805 Korschenbroich (NO) New species
Calendar 2020-06-18
Pseudoperapion brevirostre. Auf Johanniskraut, ca. 2,1mm. 18.06.2020
Species, family:
Requests for species Pseudoperapion brevirostre  Requests for family Apionidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Pseudoperapion brevirostre. Danke für die Meldung. Viele Grüße, Heike
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Answers from admin HCCalendar2020-11-24 20:38

User photo 236089
Thumbnail 236089 A
Thumbnail 236089 B
Thumbnail 236089 C
# 236089
Direct link #236089
 3 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 698   Species 538 
Requests of user TommCalendar2020-11-24 19:21 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 7934 Starnberg Nord (BS) Admission
Calendar 2020-11-24
24.11.2020, Uleiota planata unter Der Rinde. LG, Tomm
Species, family:
Requests for species Uleiota planata  Requests for family Silvanidae
  Hallo Tomm, bestätigt als Uleiota planata-Treff ohne Abstandsregel. Danke für die Meldung. Viele Grüße, Jürgen
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Answers from admin JECalendar2020-11-24 20:37

User photo 236096
Thumbnail 236096 A
Thumbnail 236096 B
# 236096
Direct link #236096
 12 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 3,922 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2020-11-24 19:58 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4805 Korschenbroich (NO) No admission
Calendar 2020-06-01
Cryptophagus sp. Auf Totholz, ca. 2,7mm. 01.06.2020
Species, family:
Requests for species Cryptophagus sp.  Requests for family Cryptophagidae
  Hallo zimorodek, hier geht es auch für mich leider nur bis zur Gattung Cryptophagus. Viele Grüße, Heike
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Answers from admin HCCalendar2020-11-24 20:35

User photo 236087
Thumbnail 236087 A
Thumbnail 236087 B
Thumbnail 236087 C
# 236087
Direct link #236087
 2 Photo like | 1 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 696   Species 323 
Requests of user TommCalendar2020-11-24 19:06 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 7934 Starnberg Nord (BS) Admission
Calendar 2020-11-24
24.11.2020, hallo zusammen. Eine Larve von Schizotus pectinicornis unter Rinde. LG, Tomm
Species, family:
Requests for species Schizotus pectinicornis  Requests for family Pyrochroidae
  Hallo Tomm, bestätigt als Schizotus pectinicornis. Danke für die Meldung. Viele Grüße, Jürgen
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Answers from admin JECalendar2020-11-24 20:35

User photo 236091
Thumbnail 236091 A
Thumbnail 236091 B
# 236091
Direct link #236091
 6 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 3,917   Species 41 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2020-11-24 19:55 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4805 Korschenbroich (NO) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-06-01
Eledona agricola. Auf einem alten Laubbaum, ca. 3,4mm. 01.06.2020
Species, family:
Requests for species Eledona agricola  Requests for family Tenebrionidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Eledona agricola. Danke für die Meldung. Viele Grüße, Jürgen
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Answers from admin JECalendar2020-11-24 20:34

# 236092
Direct link #236092
 6 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 3,918   Species 175 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2020-11-24 19:55 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4805 Korschenbroich (NO) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-06-01
Diaperis boleti. Auf einem alten Laubbaum, ca. 6,5mm. 01.06.2020
Species, family:
Requests for species Diaperis boleti  Requests for family Tenebrionidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Diaperis boleti. Ich finde die immer sehr schön. Danke für die Meldung. Viele Grüße, Jürgen
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Answers from admin JECalendar2020-11-24 20:32

User photo 236094
Thumbnail 236094 A
Thumbnail 236094 B
# 236094
Direct link #236094
 7 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 3,920   Species 300 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2020-11-24 19:56 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4805 Korschenbroich (NO) New species
Calendar 2020-06-01
Otiorhynchus ovatus. Auf dem Boden unter einem Laubbaum, ca. 4,5mm. 01.06.2020
Species, family:
Requests for species Otiorhynchus ovatus  Requests for family Curculionidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Otiorhynchus ovatus. Der Halsschild ist hier wieder mal mustergültig zu sehen. Danke für die Meldung. Viele Grüße, Jürgen
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Answers from admin JECalendar2020-11-24 20:32

User photo 236102
Thumbnail 236102 A
Thumbnail 236102 B
# 236102
Direct link #236102
 6 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 3,928   Species 79 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2020-11-24 20:03 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4805 Korschenbroich (NO) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-06-18
Scymnus frontalis. Auf einer Wiese, ca. 3,1mm. 18.06.2020
Species, family:
Requests for species Scymnus frontalis  Requests for family Coccinellidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Scymnus frontalis. Danke für die Meldung. Viele Grüße, Heike
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Answers from admin HCCalendar2020-11-24 20:31

User photo 236100
Thumbnail 236100 A
Thumbnail 236100 B
# 236100
Direct link #236100
 5 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 3,926   Species 636 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2020-11-24 20:02 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4805 Korschenbroich (NO) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-06-18
Larinus turbinatus. Auf einer Distel, ca. 7,5mm. 18.06.2020
Species, family:
Requests for species Larinus turbinatus  Requests for family Curculionidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Larinus turbinatus. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Jürgen
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Answers from admin JECalendar2020-11-24 20:30

User photo 236105
Thumbnail 236105 A
Thumbnail 236105 B
# 236105
Direct link #236105
 12 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 3,931   Species 126 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2020-11-24 20:04 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4805 Korschenbroich (NO) New time horizon
Calendar 2020-06-18
Labidostomis longimana. Auf einer Wiese, ca. 5,6mm. 18.06.2020
Species, family:
Requests for species Labidostomis longimana  Requests for family Chrysomelidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Labidostomis longimana. Danke für die Meldung. Viele Grüße, Heike
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Answers from admin HCCalendar2020-11-24 20:30

# 236101
Direct link #236101
 6 Photo like | 2 Comment like | 0 Admin like 
Submitted by, on:  User 3,927   Species 757 
Requests of user zimorodekCalendar2020-11-24 20:02 User dashboard
Country, map sheet, date (discovery):
Country DE  Records from map sheet 4805 Korschenbroich (NO) New species
Calendar 2020-06-18
Pseudovadonia livida. Auf einer Distel, ca. 7,5mm. 18.06.2020
Species, family:
Requests for species Pseudovadonia livida  Requests for family Cerambycidae
  Hallo zimorodek, bestätigt als Pseudovadonia livida. Danke für die Meldung. LG, Jürgen
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Answers from admin JECalendar2020-11-24 20:29

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Catalogue status

Flagged stages in request # 

Photo A Photo B Photo C

The uploaded photos show the following stages:



Correction will be applied to the database once released by the admin team.